Sunday, May 5, 2002
12:35am Well, I have had just about enough of this darkness. I was just waiting for Daddy to come to bed with us. Finally at 12:30am he came to join us. I was so excited I broke Mom's water open. Daddy was not impressed, but hey I am running this show and will do things under my own timeline. Because Mom was not experiencing contractions yet, Dr. Martin said she could go back to sleep. She gave Grandma Kaye a call as well. Probably figured if she couldn't sleep Grandma shouldn't either. If the contractions started coming 5 minutes apart, she should go to the hospital, otherwise she should go in at 5:00am.

2:30am Dad has been trying to get some of the last sleep he is going to get in a while. Finally Mom woke him up and told him it was time to get ready. He seems very excited even though he is tired. Mom has been excited since the start!

3:35am Mom and I just checked into the hospital. Her contractions were 3-6 minutes apart. Hey get that out of here, this is my space. That must have been the nurse lady (Jana) checking to see how things were going. Unfortunately she was less than 1cm dilated at this point. She was ready to get the ball on the road but I wasn't going to let anyone rush me into this.

8:30am Oh, I hear other voices out there. Grandma Kaye and Grandparents Larry & Jan came to visit. They wanted to stick around and help us through this. I think that I will just continue hanging out a while. Hey what is up with the walls around me tightening up every so often. That is not very comfortable. Everybody just seems to be talking and having a good time. Mom seems to be just laying around as that seems the best way for her to relax. I guess she does not like the tightening either.

11:00am These walls are tightening on a pretty regular basis. I hear a lot of groaning coming from Mom. She does not seem to be very comfortable. The nurse and mom have decided that it is time to bring in the big guns to help with Mom's pain. After a little bit some guy showed up and made Mom lay on her side. After about 10-15 minutes of poking around he was done. That is the last we will hear from Mom on the pain!

6:00pm Whoa the walls of my house are shaking all over the place. I'm not sure what is wrong with Mom but she is shivering. Dad turns the heat up and the nurses bring warm blankets but she cannot warm up. The nurse took Mommies temperature and confirms she is beginning to get a high fever. They are going to start her on this stuff they call penicillin. Some day I will know what that means, but for now I know that this is being done to protect me. Apparently there is a high risk of infection when I am still inside her 18 hours after her water breaks. They are just taking precautions.

7:30pm Things have been pretty much the same. Every so often I get to see a couple of fingers entering my house. They keep telling Mom that things are coming along, just sort of slowly. Grandma Kaye decided it was time to go home and eat, but said we should give her a call if anything happens. We have the opening at about 6cm at this point. Not quite sure how I am going to sneak out of that. We will just have to wait a bit more.

9:00pm Well the nice lady that has been taking care of me and Mom has to call it an evening. She has been around since we got here and she is getting very tired. The new lady decides that she has not showed me her fingers yet. She tells us all that things are going VERY well. In fact I think it might be time to make my debut. We give Grandma Kaye a call and tell her that she should be coming back if she wants to greet me.

9:15pm Things are happening now! They have put Mom up in a couple of stirrups and she is starting to really push on me. Doc is here and says that things are going well. He even shows Dad my hair. Dad seems very excited and cannot get rid of that permanent grin. Mom is very excited also and the stuff in her back is incredible! All of the other women visiting say that it is not fair and Mommy is not in enough pain. I prefer her relaxed myself.

10:16pm FINALLY!!! I can see the light! Things are going fast now though. Apparently I have inhaled meconium (my first stool) and the doctor says it poses a small risk. Dad quickly detaches me from Mommy and I am taken away to try to get my lungs cleaned out. Hey! Where's Mom? I thought they were supposed to let me see her first. What are all these nurses doing here instead? They say I have a small fever as well. What's the big rush? Finally I get a quick glance at Mom's face as they rush me down the the nursery for close oxygen monitoring. I would have preferred to hang out with Mommy and I know she would have preferred that. This just doesn't seem right, but hey I am new to this world and do not know everything!

Monday, May 6, 2002
2:30am Hey there's mom, about time!!! They said my oxygen levels are smoothing out and they are going to let me see Mom and Dad finally. This feels very nice! Mom's in a wheel chair and still has an IV hooked up but her touch is still warm. Dad is very excited to see me too. He has a very calming touch. Whoa, what is that you are putting in my mouth. Mmmm, it tastes good but I do not think I am ready for all this work yet. It's finally time for the three of us to get some rest. They told me Mom will be back at 5:30 to try and feed me some more.

6:30am Mom just woke up and decided to pay me a visit. They unhooked all the tubes from her. It's hard to see her though. They had to put an oxygen hood on me, I sort of look like an astronaut at this point. This breathing stuff is really a lot of work. Apparently things aren't going as well as the doctors had hoped. They just decided that they need to put me in the oxygen incubation unit. What do they think I am, some kind of circus animal for people to look at. It's not a step in the right direction, but they say it will help me get better. They are saying that maybe I will be out of here later today.

8:30am I am getting a little hungry now and they just started feeding me formula from a cup. Mom isn't too excited about it because she really wants to keep feeding me. But they won't let me out of here to nurse with her and our only other choice is a drip IV. I'm glad Mom chose the cup.

10:00am Hey, the guy that sits by Mommy with the computer is here, I believe he is called Daddy. It's nice when they let Mommy and Daddy put their arms in here to play with me. I would rather be out of this cage and playing with them directly. Just knowing they are around and hearing their voices soothes me. I expect to see them a bunch of times today.

1:00pm The x-ray technicians just showed up. They are going to take an x-ray of my chest. The doctor said they need to make sure that the meconium is gone, that there aren't any holes in my lungs, that they are formed properly and aren't holding any fluids. Mom and Dad will know by dinner if anything is wrong, but it will seem like forever to them.

5:00pm The doctor never called Mom back so the nurses assure us that the x-rays turned out clean. It seems like there's hope for me leaving this place soon. Lots of people have been here checking me out. I am so cute!

Tuesday, May 7, 2002
7:00am Dr. Pizer who seemed to be the guy in control of my fate said I am looking good. They are going to try drastically reducing the oxygen levels this morning and hopefully I will be able to be out of this oxygen incubation unit by noon. However, I will not be leaving the hospital today on schedule. They are going to need me to stay an extra day so they can keep an eye on me. With a little bit of luck I will be able to go home tomorrow

12:00pm Noon comes and goes and here I sit in this unit. This is starting to get a little boring. I'm all ready to be in Mom's arms but they say it's not time. It's taking a little bit longer than they guessed but hopefully it will only be a few more hours.

2:00pm Here is Mom! She looks a little tired, I bet she was taking a nap when they called her in by me. I am just testing out my lungs and apparently the nurses are not wanting me to continue. They think it would be better if I was sleeping and that is only going to happen if I have something to suck on. Mom won't let me try a pacifier because the interference it causes with breast-feeding so her finger is going to have to do the trick this time. It's very soothing and satisfies my need to suck. Eventually she lifts me a bit in my incubator and rocks me to sleep, I am just helping to make the nurses happy. I really can't wait to get out of here.

5:30pm The time has finally come!!! About 90 minutes ago they cut off my oxygen supply and I am finally ready to breathe this regular air. I have the hang of this pretty well and they're going to let me finally come out of here. I can't wait to go visit with Mommy and Daddy, who I am sure are anxiously waiting!

7:00pm Wow - they are letting me see Mom's new room. Not quite as nice as the suite we had for my arrival, but still better than the place I just was. She was discharged today but because they want me to stay an extra night, they offered her a room through the "Almost Home" program. This program was designed to help new moms stay with their newborns who need to spend extra time in the hospital. They offer them a room free-of-charge. Her room was small but cozy. She was very lucky to be offered such a program and very thankful to Memorial Medical Center. I got to stay with her until 11:00 pm, this is great! Then I had to go back to the nursery so that the nice nurses could watch me over night.

Wednesday, May 8, 2002
7:00am Mom came in and fed me several times last night. The nice doctor was just in to see me and said it was time for me to go home. He said I have a small bit of yellow jaundice. This means that my food isn't being processed correctly yet. Either enough isn't going in or it isn't coming out fast enough. It makes my skin a little bit yellow too. He said it's common though and should clear up quickly. So the nurses started getting me ready. They weren't very nice. They drew blood from both of my heels and gave me a shot. Then they took a picture of me. Finally they gave me to Mom and told her I was hungry. Daddy came in early today because he was very excited to get me home. I can't wait to see my new room!

12:00pm Home at last! This place is really nice. I have a little bed for now and a big crib for when I am a big girl! They have a nice swing and plenty of toys for when I can play. I think I'll stay.

Thursday, May 9, 2002
8:00am Mommy and Daddy are very worried because they can't wake me up to eat. It's been 10 hours and I am just too tired to eat. Because of the yellow jaundice, Mom calls the doctor and he said he wants me to come in and get my jaundice tested again and he wants to re-evaluate my eating habits.

12:30pm Mommy and Daddy just got to the hospital with me. Those mean doctors poked my heel again and drew a vial of blood. Ouch that hurts! The nice nurse said I eat pretty well. It wasn't difficult for Mom to wake me this time though. That mean nurse irritated me with the heel poke and I am afraid to sleep again. They said I weigh 6 pounds and 7 ounces which isn't a bad weight for me. I drank almost an entire ounce too. The blood test came back good as well. I don't know what all the fuss is about.

Friday, May 10, 2002
12:30pm Well it's about time the Daddy comes back home. That nasty Internet has kept us apart for almost 24 hours and it was driving me crazy. I'm sure happy to see him around again.

Saturday, May 11, 2002
11:00am I had to go visit those nice nurses at the hospital again. They wanted to weigh me. The cold scale says I now weigh 6 pounds and 11 ounces. I gained 4 ounces in 2 days. The nurses are very impressed. They said I could go home.

12:30pm Mom took me to visit my great grandma Kasten today. It's my first trip out of the house anywhere besides the hospital. She's a swell lady and rocked me very well. I think we should go there more often.

Sunday, May 12, 2002
8:00am Today is a very special day. Besides the fact that I'm a week old today, it's Mother's Day. Daddy helped me pick out a very nice necklace for Mom that says "#1 Mom" She likes it very much. It even made her cry. We have a busy day planned. We are going to go visit Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Fritz. Then we are going to go visit Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan. When we get home, Grandpa Romy and Grandma Rose are coming over. There sure are a lot of moms in this world!

Wednesday, May 15, 2002
10:15am Today is my first appointment with my doctor. He wants to check how well I am doing and see how my weight is progressing. He is very happy with me. I am up to 7 pounds and 6 ounces. This is better than he would have expected at 14 days and I am only 10 days old. He said Mom is doing a good job keeping me fed. He said we don't have to worry about the yellow jaundice anymore either. This makes Mom and Dad very happy.

Wednesday, June 5, 2002
7:00pm Today was my first month birthday and what an exciting day it was! Mom sang "Happy Birthday" to me this morning, although she could use some singing lessons. I just learned how to smile this week so I was flashing smiles all day. Mom even took my pictures to add to my web site! Then they weighed and measured me too... I am up to 9 pounds and 22 inches long. Pretty soon I will be a big girl!

Sunday, June 16, 2002
7:00pm Today was a special holiday - Father's Day. I put on the pretty new dress that Daddy bought for me. Then Mom and I gave him a really nice gift - some cooled pilows so he can try to sleep better. Then Mom put some of her milk in a bottle and let Daddy feed me for the first time. It was really nice - I liked it just as much as the "real thing" and Daddy liked feeding me as well. Maybe we can try that again some evening so Mommy can get some uninterrupted sleep!

Wednesday, June 19, 2002
3:15pm Today was my first trip to Sears' Portrait Studio. Mom wanted me to have some pretty pictures in my new baptism dress. I thought the dress was really uncomfortable... who would pick out such a frilly dress for a baby anyways? I made sure to fuss the entire time at Sears just to let Mommy know how I really felt. They still managed to get some nice photos though. Mom said she spent too much money so I must photograph well. Who would have ever thought they were going to keep me there for two entire hours?

Thursday, June 20, 2002
9:00pm Today I was baptized at Zion United Church of Christ. It was certainly an enriching experience. I was on my best behavior and slept through most of the ceremony. Mom and Dad grilled out brats and burgers beforehand and we invited everyone at church for cake and ice cream in the church parlor afterwards. We have it all on videotape and have plenty of photos too.

Saturday, June 30, 2002
10:00pm Today Mom and Dad went out of town to eat with Uncle Terry for his birthday. I stayed with Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Fritz for 5 hours... this is the longest period of time I have been away from Mom since I was a twinkle in my Daddy's eye. Grandma fed me twice and said I was a little bit fussy too... what do they expect? I am not an expert at this type of thing! I thought it was a pretty good time though.

Wednesday, July 3, 2002
8:30am I just woke up from my first night sleep in my big crib. Mom and Dad said I was getting too big for the bassinet... I'd have to agree. Daddy said it was a surprise I didn't bruise my knuckles from tossing my arms around all night in that old bed. They put a camera in my room above my crib and can see me from a little tv set next to their bed. All I have to do is make a few squeeks and Mom comes running like always. I'm happy they are taking good care of me!

Thursday, July 4, 2002
5:00pm Today was a special holiday for me. It was my first trip out of town. Mom and Dad took me to Summerfest in Milwaukee. Summerfest rocks! Mom and Dad had to be extra careful to keep me out of the sun because my skin is just too sensitive for all that sun yet. We only stayed there for a few hours and I rode in my stroller for the first part of the day and Daddy carried me around in a front-carrier the second part of the day. I just loved looking at all the people and listening to all the music. This also marked another momentous event for me being my first trip to Best Buy. Daddy says that we really like this store and will be visiting often. Right now I do not see what the big deal is! I slept good all the way home after all that fresh air! I can't wait to go back next year!

Friday, July 5, 2002
10:00pm Today was my 2-month birthday. Mom took 32 photos of me trying to get that "special picture" for my birthday photo. I was seeing spots after that! I finally smiled big just to get her to stop! Then Mom and Dad took me to Chilis for my big birthday bash! They should know better than to take me out at night during my fussy period. Mom spent most of dinner outside trying to get me to mellow out. Dad wasn't too happy about it... Next time they might have to stick to McDonalds I think!

Saturday, July 6, 2002
4:30pm Today was the first time I had a real babysitter. She wasn't a grandma or an aunt or any type of relative - she was one of Mom's friends. Mom and Dad had to go to a funeral and Mom said that little babys weren't allowed. Joan came over and sat with me for over an hour. She is a really nice lady and I hope Mom lets her come over again some time!

Monday, July 8, 2002
2:00pm Mom and I were at Walmart's portrait studio for some photos. We waited in line for 30 minutes and I kept a pretty smile on the entire time. By the time we got to sit on the fancy table with the big camera, I was all out of smiles and starting to get hungry. The best I could do at this point was show the lady my tongue. I thought it might be a good substitute.

3:30pm I just got back from my 2-month doctor's appointment. Dr Pizer is such a nice doctor. He said I am very healthy and Mom is still doing a good job keeping me fed. I weight 11 lbs, 9oz and am 23 inches long. Dr. Pizer said I am in the 75 percentile for my weight and length. He said I am in "perfect health". After he left, a very mean nurse came in and gave me FOUR shots - two in each leg. I made sure to let everyone in the entire wing of the clinic know what I thought about that. Dad had to help them hold me down while mom shared my pain with me. The shots made me a bit sleepy though and I need a nice long nap now.

Saturday, July 13, 2002
3:00pm Today Mommy had lunch with an old friend and she has a son that is 8 days younger than me. The four of us went to Arabellas. Even though Jake is younger than me, he's much bigger than me. Mom thought I was going to outweigh him and she was really surprised! I really made a lot of noise during lunch while that amateur slept through the whole thing. What's up with that? I wonder if maybe some day that boy can take me out on a date!?!

Sunday, July 21, 2002
10:00pm Today Daddy taught me a new game. I blow raspberries at him and he blows them back at me. We blew raspberries at each other all night! I'm not sure how Daddy does it, but at the end of the night my face was all full of spit and his was still pretty clean. I think I need more practice at this.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002
10:00pm Today I found something very tasty - my thumb! I can't keep it out of my mouth... I think I am going to remember that for a while to soothe me when Mom is busy and I get hungry!

Thursday, July 25, 2002
10:00pm This week I have been working on my communication skills. Today I decided that for now on I am going to smack my lips together to tell Mom when I am hungry. It seems much more sophisticated that crying or screaming out and Mom seems to appreciate it more too. I also started laughing this week. When Daddy makes certain noises, they truly crack me up!

Friday, July 26, 2002
6:00am This morning I did a new trick for Mom and Dad. Before they woke up this morning, I rotated myself 90 degrees in my crib. I was laying with my head and feet touching the sides. I was getting a different view of my room while Mom and Dad woke up with a big smile on their faces.

Saturday, August 3, 2002
8:30am While Mom was in the shower this morning, I rolled over from my back to my stomach. Daddy was very excited. I think I am going to wait a while to show this trick to Mommy though.

10:00am Mommy and Daddy took me to Sears today for my 3-month portraits. I am getting to be a pro at this photo stuff. I smiled the entire time and Mom and Dad were very pleased. Even the portrait lady was impressed with me. She said 3-month photos are not usually this easy. Daddy said we could give the gerber babies a run for their money!

Monday, August 5, 2002
10:00pm Today was my 3 month birthday. Mom made a hand and foot imprint of me this morning to keep in my special box. I wasn't too excited about pressing my hand in that white stuff so I didn't cooperate very well. It still didn't turn out bad though. Mom weighed and measured me this afternoon. I am up to 24.5 inches and 13 pounds, 10 ounces. Mom says she has weeds in her garden that don't grow as fast as me. I've seen her garden this year though and I think she was being sarcastic. Then when Daddy came home from work, we took my three month picture. I wore the outfit that Daddy likes best, but I think I would have looked cute in anything.

Saturday, August 10, 2002
8:30pm Today I talked all day. Mom said I have a beautiful voice and I sure used it a lot today so she could get used to it. Mom's friend came to visit from Ohio and her sister had a new baby. I sure look big next to that little baby!

Friday, August 16, 2002
7:30am Today I woke up on my stomach sucking my thumb. I am not quite sure how I got there, but I slept solid the entire night. Then I woke up when Mom was flashing her camera at me. I am sure getting tired of all those photos Mom keeps taking! She said I will appreciate them some day.

3:30pm Mom and I just got back from Walmart. She bought me my very own ball. It has Winnie the Pooh on it. It's my favorite toy in the whole world. Whether she sits me on the couch and plays catch with me, or puts me on the floor on my tummy and rolls it towards me, it's always a lot of fun! I giggle all the time when we play with my new ball!

Saturday, August 17, 2002
8:00pm Today was the first time I left Wisconsin. We went to Illinois for an anniversary party. I don't like parties very much. All those people make me cry. I was very good in the car for three hours, but made up for my good behavior at the party. Mom was very frustrated and we left early. I slept in my play pen in a hotel. I sleep better in my own crib, but the play pen wasn't such a bad place either.

Sunday, August 18, 2002
8:30am I just went swimming for the first time. I didn't like it very much. Mom said that pool is just too cold for babies my age. My teeth started chattering and then Mom let me put my feet in the hottub. It's a shame that the pool wasn't warmer because I am truly adorable in my swimming suit!

Wednesday, August 21, 2002
8:00pm Today I spent the entire day at a golf outing Mommy had to help out at. I was kinda fussy at first, but all that fresh air made me sleepy and I slept in my stroller for a few hours in the middle of the day. It was a bit cool and looked like rain all day, but we all got lucky. Then I went to grandma's house while Mom enjoyed a nice dinner at Rupps at Riverdale. There was a really bad storm on the way home and I was a little scared, but we made it home safely!

Monday, August 26, 2002
11:00pm Tonight I watched the Packers with Daddy. He was really excited to teach me all about football but I think Mom is right - Football is boring! I'm going to keep trying to understand it though because it seems to make Daddy happy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002
7:00pm Tonight Mommy and I went to an infant massage class. As soon as I saw all those people with all those babies, I decided to tell them who's boss. I screamed and had a total fit the entire time. Mom said we didn't learn much at all. She said I better be nicer next time or I am never going to make any friends!

Thursday, August 29, 2002
3:00pm Today I was on the floor practicing "tummy time" (which is when Mom puts me on the floor on my stomach so I can exercise my neck muscles and eventually learn to crawl). I don't particularly like it on my tummy so I rolled over. That was pretty scary at first, but it's getting to be fun. That shows Mom who's boss! She puts me on my stomach and I roll over to my back. What a fun game!

Saturday, August 31, 2002
3:00pm Today I went to the Sheboygan County Fair with Mommy and Daddy. I just love the stroller we have - it's so comfortable for outings like this. The sun was very bright though so Daddy bought me some really cool pink sunglasses. They work good sometimes, but they taste even better!

Tuesday, September 3, 2002
8:00pm Tonight was our second infant massage class. This time Daddy came along too. I cried just as loudly as last time so Daddy held me off in the corner while Mom paid attention to the nurse. She learned massages for all over my body but the stomach and legs continue to be my favorite spots. Sometimes when I am fussy, Mom massages my legs and it puts me to sleep. She's so nice to me. The nurse at the class told Mom and Dad that I have a classic case of "stranger anxiety" and it will go away when I am a big girl.

Thursday, September 5, 2002
10:00pm Today was my 4-month birthday. I didn't know babies are supposed to be in a good mood on their birthday though. I was very crabby all day. I even made it difficult for Mom and Dad to take my 4-month picture. I'm getting tired of that nasty old camera flashing in my eyes all the time!

Sunday, September 8, 2002
11:00am We just got back from camping. We went camping with friends of Mom and Dad (Athene and Ken). They are very nice people. I slept in a tent on Friday and Saturday night. It was kinda cold out there at night. I slept much better in the sleeping bag with Mom where she could keep my hands warm. We didn't go swimming this year, but we sat by the fire both nights. Fires look really cool. They sure are neat with the flickering bright lights. When I get older I think I am going to try and touch that bright light and see what it's made of! Dad put me in a tree and I laughed - I love trees!

Monday, September 9, 2002
12:30pm I just got back from the doctor's office for my 4-month checkup! I weigh 14 pounds and 11 ounces (75 percentile) and am 26 inches long (97 percentile). The doctor said that I am as long as the average 7-month old baby. He also said that I should be just shy of 6 feet tall at full height! I think I am going to be a basketball player like that nice guy we were camping with this weekend. I was in such a good mood today until that mean nurse gave me FOUR shots! What kind of meanie does that to little babies who smile at them? Some day it will make more sense but today it just seems very mean!

Tuesday, September 10, 2002
9:00pm Today was not a good day for me. I had a fever of 100.8 because of the shots I had yesterday. I wasn't in very good spirits like my normal cheerful self. Mom gave me baby tylenol. That stuff tastes really good! But to show my displeasure with the world, I taught myself how to scream. It's such a wonderful sound that I think I am going to practice it over and over all the time. It's loud and very high-pitched! Mommy is going to love me even more now!

Wednesday, September 12, 2002
8:00pm Two things happened to me today. First Mom took me into a tavern! Grandpa was working there and we needed to drop off some pictures for him. I think some day I am going to really like this place... but as a baby, I think the smell was pretty bad. Next we went to the hospital to visit another baby. It was a friend of Mommy's. That baby was really tiny. I wasn't very happy seeing Mom smile at another baby... I was glad to get out of there before Mom comes up with another one of her crazy ideas!

Wednesday, September 18, 2002
8:00pm Tonight I went with Daddy to Auntie Paula's house because Mom was at a meeting. While I was there I got hungry and Uncle Brian fed me. I held my own bottle because I was so hungry.

Friday, September 20, 2002
8:00pm This week I have been practicing sitting. It's much more exciting to be sitting up than sitting in fancy chairs or lying down all the time. Most of the time I fall forward and get to suck on my toes, but I enjoy that just as well. One of these days I am going to be a pro at sitting though!

Saturday, September 21, 2002
9:00pm Mom and Dad took me to two parties today. The first party was for my cousin Hope's 9th birthday party. It was in a park so Daddy put me in a swing. The swing was a little too big for me, but it wasn't terribly boring or anything. The next party was a "going away party" for Mom and Dad's friend, Paul. He is going to go live with his girlfriend, Joi on some island very very far away. Mom says we are going to go visit them some day!

Monday, September 23, 2002
7:30pm Today Mom and Dad fed me cereal on a spoon! That is a big deal for me! I'm not quite sure I like clunky hard spoons in my mouth, but it seems to be what everyone else does! The stuff tastes just like the other milk I eat but it's on a spoon... I don't get it! Bring on the good stuff!

Monday, September 30, 2002
8:00pm Today I learned a new thing. I learned that my hands each work separately. If one hand gets tired, I can move my toy to the other hand. I think it's pretty neat to be able to do things with both hands and be able to pass things back and forth.

Saturday, October 5, 2002
5:00pm Today was my 5-month birthday. I am up to 15 pounds and 10 ounces and am 26.5 inches long. Mom said I only grew 1/2 inch this month but grew 1.5 inches the past two months. Mom said it's a good thing that I am slowing down because she can't keep up with the size of my clothes.

Thursday, October 10, 2002
10:00am Today I woke up with a really bad cold. I started getting all stuffy last night and woke up feeling yucky in the middle of the night. Mom had to use a warm wash cloth to clean my eyes so I could open them up. She uses this green boger sucker to clean out my nose and I hate it. I scream at full volume whenever I see it in her hand. The doctor's office suggested she buy a cold-mist humidifier to help with my stuffiness.

Friday, October 11, 2002
8:30am Today I am feeling a little bit better. Mom gave me a warm bath before bed last night after warming up the bathroom with an electric heater. Then she warmed up my room and turned on the new cool-mist humidifier. I slept great! I am hoping this means Mom throws away the green boger sucker!

Saturday, October 12, 2002
10:00pm Tonight Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Fritz came over for dinner and Grandma Kaye helped feed me cereal. I'm still not used to that lumpy food yet and made a big mess!

Tuesday, October 15, 2002
9:00pm Today I learned something new! If I want to be picked up, I can just hold my arms out and then Mommy or Daddy knows I want to be moved. It seems to work pretty good and it seems to make them smile... it makes us both happy!

Tuesday, October 22, 2002
10:00am Today I learned a new noise... I can squeak when I breath in instead of always squeaking when I try to talk. Mom was really scared when I first tried it though... she thought I was gasping for air. She sat and stared at me with a look of fear in her eyes.

Thursday, October 24, 2002
8:00am This morning I was sitting in the kitchen watching Mom start out dinner like we do every day. She was making spaghetti sauce to put in the crock pot all day. She started cutting onions and I am not sure what happened but my eyes were all blurry and crying. Mom's eyes were doing the same thing... darn onions!

9:00pm Tonight I showed Daddy a new trick I learned. He was trying to get me to crawl. He put my toy out of my reach so I would crawl towards it. Crawling is too hard so I just rolled over until I could read the toy. I've been getting really good at rolling over and spinning in circles so this just made the most sense.

Sunday, October 27, 2002
7:00am I just woke up and I'm not very happy. Something very painful is happening in my mouth. Mom said it's my very first tooth. I'm not sure what that means, other than Mom putting her finger on it, making it more painful. I think I am going to be crabby all day and maybe tomorrow she will keep her fingers out of my mouth.

Monday, October 28, 2002
9:00am Something bad just happened. I was just being curious when I rolled off the bed. Mom turned her back to grab some clothes from the closet and I wanted to see what was past the end of the bed. It was pretty scarey but I don't think I am hurt. I think it just ruined my entire day though.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002
10:00pm Today was Dad's birthday. Mom and I got him packer stuff even though I think football is pretty boring. They went out to eat with Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan while I stayed with Grandma Kaye. I really like going to visit there so I am glad I get to go there often.

Thursday, October 31, 2002
7:00pm Today was halloween. Mom dressed me up as a cow. I looked very adorable! I was going to help Mom hand out candy but after the first two children came over, I slept through the rest of trick-or-treating. The costume was just so warm, I couldn't help myself!

Friday, November 1, 2002
7:00am I just woke up with that annoying mouth pain. It appears the other bottom front tooth is poking through. It's not as painful as the first one was, but isn't fun either way.

Saturday, November 2, 2002
5:00pm Today I went to get my portraits taken at Sears. Mom had originally made an appointment in the morning but Sears changed her appointment to 1:45. We waited until 3:00 and then I was very crabby and very hungry. They couldn't even take my picture. We went back home and ate and then came back again at 4:15. Then they finally took my picture. Mom said they are just okay but Dad thinks they look fine.

9:00pm Tonight Mom and Dad went out to eat with Uncle Terry and Rita. I got to go visit Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan. This is the first time they babysat for me. Grandma Jan has a neat musical ball that has snow in it. I really enjoyed watching that. She put a blanket on the floor for me and it has this really neat satin-like border that I loved to play with. We played with toys and I rolled all around the living room. It was a great time!

Sunday, November 3, 2002
7:00am I woke up with a really bad cold today. I keep coughing and my throat is a bit sore. I don't like being sick. Mom said for the next few nights I can sleep in my car seat so my head stays elevated. It keeps me from coughing so much so I can sleep better. I kinda like sleeping in Mom and Dad's room too.

Tuesday, November 5, 2002
10:00pm Today was my 6-month birthday. It really doesn't feel like my birthday though because I am still feeling sick. I just slept a lot and then let Mom bother me with the camera for my 6-month photo. I'm not smiling for the photo this month though! I really don't feel like smiling.

Wednesday, November 6, 2002
12:00pm This morning we went to visit Dr. Pizer at the Clinic for my 6-month checkup. I am up to 16 pounds and 6.5 ounces but haven't grown at all since last month. I am only in the 50 percentile for weight and 75 percentile for length this time. Mom said it's about time I start growing less. Then those mean nurses gave me four more shots. On the good side, they said I don't need any for my next appointment!

Friday, November 8, 2002
4:30pm Today my tastebuds got a wonderful surprise... APPLESAUCE!!! Dr. Pizer said I can start eating fruits and vegetables so Mommy bought applesauce and applejuice today. We can only do one new food each week and apples sounded like a good place to start. I also get to take liquid vitamins with iron every day. They smell funny and taste disgusting. Mom tried disguising it in the applesauce but it still smelled funny.

Saturday, November 9, 2002
9:00am Mom just gave me a bath in the bathtub without using my infant bath seat. She put a few inches in the tub and let me play on my back and my tummy. I had a blast!!! Who would have thought that splashing water could have been so much fun!

6:00pm This afternoon I went to Milwaukee with Mom and her friend, Michelle. We went to USA Baby and bought me a new car seat. The old carseat carrier is only supposed to be good up to 26 inches and now that I am a big girl, I needed something bigger. This new seat should work until I am much older and can sit without a seat!

Sunday, November 10, 2002
1:00pm Today while Daddy was at the Packer Game, Mommy and I went shopping and bought me a high chair! Mom said it's easier to feed me while I sit tall in the seat. I like being up high and being able to watch everything from up here. It's a win-win situation for everyone!

Thursday, November 14, 2002
6:00pm Tonight Mommy went to a retirement party. While she was gone, Daddy fed me carrots. Boy do they make a mess!!! Carrots stain utensils, bibs, clothes and anything else they come in contact with... and they aren't even that good!

Wednesday, November 20, 2002
6:00pm Tonight Mommy went to a meeting and while she was gone, Daddy fed me green beans. They smell pretty weird and don't taste much better.

Thursday, November 21, 2002
8:00pm Today Mom and Dad took me to Madison to ITech. The computer fair was pretty boring, but afterward we went to State Street. At the University Book Store, Mom bought me a Wisconsin Badgers hat. I must admit I look pretty darn cute in it. Mom and Dad ate the best gyros in the world at Parthenons too. Then on the way home we went to Target store and they bought me a play saucer. This toy has to be the most fun of any toy ever made. I think I could spend an entire day in this thing.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002
6:00pm Mom and dad decided that maybe they needed to tone down on the new flavors so tonight I got potatoes. I'm not really enjoying this baby food much... I think I'll just stick to my normal routine. I am getting pretty good at pressing my lips together and moving my head far to the side. And I am sure to spit out everything they try to put in my mouth.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002
7:30pm Today Mom's friend, Lynn, came to visit from Ohio. We went shopping! I really love to shop because I get to be with Mom and I get to see all sorts of different sizes, shapes and colors all at a time. Then she came over and they ate pizza. I really like her. She plays with me and smiles a lot! I think she needs to come visit more often!

Thursday, November 28, 2002
7:00pm Today was Thanksgiving. I slept through the big meal though. It's a good thing I did too because my great-grandma got some silly idea that babies are supposed to suck on turkey bones. Mom wasn't very happy that her grandma kept insisting on it. Then that silly grandma followed us home after dinner. She was afraid of deer in the road and thought it would be better if we hit the deer instead of her.

Friday, November 29, 2002
10:30am Mom said today was the biggest shopping day of the year. Because I love shopping so much, I told Mom we had to go out and face the big crowds. I had a blast (in between naps of course) but we were still home by 10:30am. Mom got me up early so I need a big nap now!

7:00pm Tonight Mom and Dad gave me a saltine cracker. I really like salty things. Mom said I never mind saline nose drops so she already knew I would like the salty crackers. I even used my teeth once to break off a piece once. Eventually I had a mess of cracker mush and never swallowed any of the cracker... but I had a lot of fun playing with it anyways.

Sunday, December 1, 2002
7:00pm Today Mommy fed me a new food while Daddy was out watching football. It is such a relief to finally eat a food I truly enjoy - Sweet Potatoes! I think I could eat these every day for the rest of my life!

Thursday, December 5, 2002
8:00pm Tonight we went by Grandma Kaye's house to give her a birthday present. Her birthday is really on Monday, but she is going to be on vacation so we went over there tonight. Grandma Kaye is always happy to see us but I bet she likes it better when we bring presents!!!

Friday, December 6, 2002
8:00am Today doesn't appear to be a normal Friday... Daddy is still home. I think something big is going to happen today... and everybody seems happy! That jolly ol' St. Nick left me a new teething ring and a rattle. Maybe next year Mom can get me a bigger stocking so we can fit more toys in there!!!

10:00am We just started a long drive to Appleton to go shopping! Mom said it's our annual shopping trip but it's only the first annual trip for me. I love car rides because I get to play with neat toys (until I fall asleep of course).

11:30am I love this stroller Mommy rented for me. I get to sit big and watch everything firsthand!!! This thing rocks!

2:00pm I just got to sit on Santa's lap!!! Woo hooo!!! That jolly old man is going to bring me a dolly for Christmas. I am so excited I think I am going to fall dead asleep in about 2 minutes! All this excitement really wears me out!

7:00pm We are visiting some new friends of Mom and Dad's. Their names are Jay and Georgine. That Jay guy is kinda scarey and makes me cry, but Georgine is pretty and talks nice to me! We showed them the photo of me with Santa and Jay drew a hat on Santa's head... he's so funny!

9:00pm It's finally bedtime for me. The nice people at the hotel let us borrow a crib for me with some soft blankets too. Goodnight!

Saturday, December 7, 2002
8:00am Mom and Dad took me down to the pool this morning. It's so cold it made my teeth chatter. Then they let me sit in the hottub with them. At first I thought it would be too hot, but it was pretty nice.

9:00am Mom and Dad just took me to breakfast at the hotel. Mom said they have a really good breakfast there so they enjoy it every year. I'd have to agree because they let me have cheerios for the first time. I'm not quite familiar with sticking hard stuff in my mouth, but it was pretty fun to throw them on the floor!

2:00pm We just got home from Appleton. After running around to a bunch of stores outside the mall and then going to lunch, we decided it was time to come home. I like my home!

Monday, December 9, 2002
10:30am Today Mommy decided to try a new food - Squash. I thought I made it perfectly clear that I wanted to stay with sweet potatoes for the rest of my life... what's up with this stuff? I don't care for it much!

Tuesday, December 10, 2002
7:00pm This was a very important day. I learned how to crawl. I don't quite understand how my arms and legs move together and sometimes I land on my face, but it seems to work more efficiently than rolling all around the room. Look out Mom!!!

Friday, December 13, 2002
11:00am I truly understand the meaning of "Friday the 13th". Mom was getting the bath ready for my bath and I was sitting in the hall when I fell over and hit my head on the corner of the wall in the L-shaped hall. I have a bruise on my forehead that hurt really bad for an entire minute! I think it hurts Mom more!

Sunday, December 15, 2002
1:00pm Today was another big day for me because Mom cut my hair. She said she was tired of seeing hair in my eyes so she cut my bangs. I am pretty happy because it keeps them from tickling. Then I rub them and they get all red. It's a win-win situation!

7:00pm Tonight I learned to do something new. Every time Mom and Dad drink soda from a straw, I always want to try it myself and so they let me try too. Normally I just put my tongue on it or chew on it or something like that. It makes me feel important. But tonight I actually sucked soda through an entire straw... I think I understand this thing now... Bring on more diet coke!!!

Monday, December 16, 2002
6:30pm Today I tried a new food - peas. They are just okay. Mom said this is the last vegetable and then we move on to fruit. I tried apples once but didn't really care for them although I'd be happy to give them another try.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002
6:00am I just woke up and boy am I crabby! Mom said I have a new tooth. She said my next 4 teeth were supposed to be on the top but my new tooth is on the bottom. I don't think Mom understands that I can't read those baby books. My teeth come in all on their own.

Friday, December 20, 2002
9:00pm Tonight I watched Mom put up the Christmas Tree. It's only about 6 feet tall and Mom said it's much smaller than normal, but I think it is really pretty. I especially like the big flashing star on the top.

Saturday, December 21, 2002
11:00am This morning was an excellent time!!! We went by Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan's house and I got my first Christmas gifts. I got to unwrap 6 presents! I love to crinkle paper! I actually like to eat it more, but Mom won't let me. The most fun was sitting in a box though. It was the perfect size for me too!

10:00pm Tonight Mom and Dad went to a Christmas party. I visited with my Aunt Paula for four hours. I got to play with my cousin Kayla. We played with a ball and then we both took naps on the floor. I had a good time. Aunt Paula was impressed with my wonderful behavior.

Sunday, December 22, 2002
7:00pm Tonight Daddy fed me bananas. I love bananas! I even like them better than sweet potatoes. I ate more food than I have ever eaten before. Mom was afraid that if I ate any more, I may have a tummy ache and throw up so she told Dad there would be plenty more days for bananas. I can't wait until tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 24, 2002
10:00am Mom and Dad said that this is the time we exchange gifts among our little family... a time for just the three of us. It was really nice. Santa even came to our house early. Dad bought Mommy and me matching snowmen sweaters and it was my favorite gift of all. I got Mom a pretty necklace and I got Dad some leather packer gloves. They seemed to like my gifts especially well.

3:00pm We just got back from Aunt Paula and Uncle Brian's house. We went there to celebrate Christmas. Grandma Mary was there too. They have a big sparkly tree there and I really liked looking at it. I got to open more of those nice presents too. I think everything should come wrapped in paper!

9:00pm Tonight we had a lot of people over at our house. Granda Kaye and Grandpa Fritz, Grandpa Romy and Grandma Rose, Uncle Terry and Rita, Cousin Hope and Michael and Chynna and Grandma Lloyd and Uncle Patrick. There were a bunch of presents under the tree - so many that they took up half the room. There was a lot of excitement going on and it made me kinda crabby... but it was still nice.

Wednesday, December 25, 2002
9:00pm Today was a busy day. First we went out to eat with Uncle Terry at Riverdale. It was nice and there sure were a lot of people there. Then we went to visit Grandma Kasten in the hospital. She broke her hip and then got an infection. She was happy to see us but not as happy as usual. Then we went to visit Grandma Cyrilla in the retirement home. She didn't have anyplace to go on Christmas so we wanted to visit with her. Then after my nap, we went to Grandma Lloyds house to play cards. I slept most of the night though... I'm not sure what happened. She only lives a block away but it took us 20 minutes to get there and then I was sleeping... I think Mom and Dad were up to something!

Saturday, December 28, 2002
3:00pm Today we went to Milwaukee to visit with my Uncle Pat and Aunt Cathy. They bought Mom and Dad really nice gifts but I think they forgot about me - how could anyone forget someone as cute and loveable as me? We had a good time though. I slept all the way there and all the way home. It was very relaxing!

Monday, December 30, 2002
7:00pm Today I decided that that army crawling just takes too long so I lifted my belly off the ground and crawled like a normal baby. This crawling definitely gets me across rooms in half the time. Then tonight for dinner we went to a chinese restaurant and afterwards Mom took me to the dollar store. She found me these cute squeeky frogs that I really like. But somehow I kept dropping them on the floor. Then I got very upset and started screaming! I don't know why I let such things bother me so much!

9:00pm Daddy fed me a new fruit tonight - prunes! They are my new favorite food. I even like them more than bananas and sweet potatoes. Mom said that tomorrow won't be a fun day for me after eating all those prunes!

Tuesday, December 31, 2002
9:00pm Tonight was New Years Eve. I tried to stay up as long as I could but I like to go to bed early. Mom said it was okay.

Wednesday, January 1, 2003
7:00pm Mom said today is a new year... who cares??? 2002 will always be the best year as far as I can tell.

Friday, January 3, 2003
11:00am This morning Mom gave me a bath and she said she found my first freckle. It's in the middle of my back on the left side. Mom said it may be my first freckle but it surely won't be my last!

Saturday, January 4, 2003
7:00am I just woke up and my mouth is very sore. Mom said it's because my first upper tooth just broke through. It's the tooth on my right side. Now Daddy can't call me "Baby 3-tooth" anymore.

7:00pm Mom said that we should try applesauce again. Last time I tried it, I didn't care for it much. We had some for dinner tonight but it's just okay.

Sunday, January 5, 2003
9:30am We just got out of church and it is snowing out! Daddy made a snowball and threw it at me. Mom said he's mean but he said it won't be the last snowball he throws at me!

Monday, January 6, 2003
7:00pm Tonight was a new dinner again... peaches. Mom thought I would really like peaches but I don't care for them at all! Mom said it's going to be hard to get me to eat the entire jar.

Wednesday, January 8, 2003
5:30pm I just got done with my very first swimming lesson. It was a lot of fun. We played games and sang songs in the pool. They even let us play with toys. I got to play with a small yellow duck. Mom would throw it and then hold me on my belly and I would kick and spash towards the duck to get it. I learned how to trust Mom while I lay on my back and I also learned how to splash water in the pool. Mom learned that a wet baby with a very wet swimming diaper weighs a lot more than a baby in regular clothes. Mom said I was the best behaved baby in the whole class! I can't wait until our next class next week!

Friday, January 10, 2003
5:30pm Today Daddy said I could have sweet potatoes again. They used to be my favorite food... but I don't really care much for them anymore. They are certainly better than those yucky peaches, but not as good as I remember.

Monday, January 13, 2003
10:00am This morning I woke up with a bad toothache. I didn't sleep well at all last night so I am pretty crabby besides. But then Mom was folding laundry with the laundry basket on the floor and I pulled up on it and was standing. I got so excited, I fell over and almost hit my head. All that work and I didn't even get the sock!

Tuesday, January 14, 2003
6:00am Today is going to be a loooong day. The second tooth on the top broke skin and it hurts me a lot! The pain is worst than any other... and besides that, it makes my nose all stuffy and runny. I'm still in pain from yesterday's tooth and it is still hurting as well... I think I am going to be crabby all day! Poor Mommy!

9:45am Something bad just happened. Mom was playing with me on the floor and I fell over and hit my head on my pail of blocks. I hit the side of my head really hard and it's all black and blue next to my eye. I think it just looks worse than it feels but Mom said it's a good thing we aren't getting pictures taken in the next few days.

11:00am Today Mom gave me pears. This is definitely my favorite food. I ate more pears than any other food. I think I am finally getting used to eating food from a spoon... but don't get me wrong, I prefer breastmilk. Mom said she thinks I would maybe enjoy food more if I would drink from a bottle, but she wants me to get through the winter before we change plans. She said that it's a good idea for me to share her antibodies my first winter.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003
5:30pm We just got home from swimming lessons. I was the only girl in the pool today. I learned a lot. First I learned how to jump in the pool while sitting on the edge. Mom catches me and then we are supposed to turn around and hold on to the edge but I just want to play. Then Mom lifted me up in the air, said "pop goes the weasel" and dropped me in the water. My head went down and I couldn't believe she would let me go like that? What kind of game is that? I didn't scream though like some of the babies. I didn't even swollow any water. Mom said one of the babies tried to drink half the pool... why would he do that?

Friday, January 17, 2003
4:30pm Mom gave me cheerios today. She showed me how to use my teeth to chew on them. I really love cheerios. Sometimes I have a hard time directing them into my mouth, but when they make it there, my teeth work really well to do their job. Bring on more cheerios!!!

Monday, January 20, 2003
5:30pm Tonight Daddy gave me carrots again. I didn't care for them much at all when I had them last time, but I really love them this time! Mom thinks I am starting to love food better in general.

7:00pm Today I learned to wave "bye-bye" and "hi". Mom said I actually wave at myself instead of forward at other people, but I don't know the difference. Mom is starting to teach me sign-language as well. I know the sign for "hungry" and am going to start using it more. It's neat to be able to talk to Mom until my voice starts working better.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003
9:00am Mom just finished cleaning up in the kitchen and I found the tupperware cupboard. I pulled out all the containers and covers and had a blast! I even crawled in the cupboard to get the containers from the back!

5:30pm We just got back from swimming again. That is my favorite part of the week. Today the instructor tossed me to Mom and she caught me. She said it was the whale game. I liked it.

7:00 We just finished up the carrots and Dad gave me my first "Second stage" food. It has a little thicker consistancy and starts to mix foods together. Tonight we had banana-orange medly. It is the best food I ever ate. The jars are larger and I actually ate half of a big jar in one sitting! Mom was afraid I was going to be sick from eating so much food. I love this food!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2003
4:00pm Today Mom entered me in a beautiful baby contest for the "Live with Regis and Kelly Show". They said they have over 4,000 entries already, but we all know that I should win it hands down.

Friday, January 31, 2003
11:15am We just got home from a new play group. There is a play group that meets every Friday morning at the Family Resource Center. I really like all their toys there and I made a new friend named Davis. He is 11 months old and we like the same toys. Mom said that I need to learn to play with other kids. Bring them on!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2003
6:00pm Today at swimming class, we practiced safety. Mom was the only person in the entire class that could swim the entire length of the pool while holding my head above the water. I'm glad to have her holding onto me while I am in the water! When we got home from class, I took a short nap and then Mom took my picture. She always takes my picture on my birthday and today I am 9 months old!

Thursday, February 6, 2003
11:00am Today we had an appointment with Dr. Pizer at the clinic. We waited in the doctor's office for over 30 minutes while I was in my diaper without any toys. I wish I could have waited in the waiting room with all the cool fish! Dr. Pizer said I am 28.5 inches long now and weight 18 pounds, 5 ounces. I am in the 50% for weight but 75% for length. Mom calls me her little bean pole. Because I have had such a runny nose this week, Mom was really happy to hear that my throat and ears were clean. Mom said she's going to keep a close eye on me though to make sure this cold doesn't turn into something painful!

Tuesday, February 11, 2003
8:00am Today I decided I wanted to see Mom while she was upstairs in the bathroom, so I started to climb up the stairs. I made it up three stairs before Daddy pulled me down. He said I am too little to climb stairs.

Friday, February 14, 2003
5:30pm Tonight for dinner, Mom gave me Gerber's chicken noodle mush! This is the first time I ate meat. I didn't really care for it much... and Mom said it smells pretty bad too... it's no wonder it tastes funny! Today was Valentines day and I gave Daddy a box of chocolates and a musical card. Sometimes I think life is like a box of chocolates!

Sunday, February 16, 2003
7:00am Today I woke up with a very bad cold. My nose is running all over and my head is pretty stuffed up. Mom said we should still go to church though. Hopefully it's not contagiuos!

Wednesday, February 19, 2003
5:30pm Today was the last day of swimming class. We almost didn't go because of my cold but Mom called the clinic and they said the warm moist air should be good for my cold. Daddy came along and videotaped it. I can't wait to watch it on Mom's computer! We found out that the instructor is Aunt Cathy's sister... Mom said it's a small world. That's my favorite song!

Thursday, February 20, 2003
8:30pm Today was Mom's birthday. I bought the two of us matching outfits in same color as a peach. I bet we will look like sisters wearing it. We went to Applebees for dinner. I ate about 10 french fries. They were really good! I'm still not feeling too well though.

Friday, February 21, 2003
5:30pm Today was a really busy day. Dad took off work for Mom's birthday and we went shopping in Appleton. That's my favorite mall because it's so big and they have a special room for babies to eat. We had a great time!

Tuesday, February 25, 2003
8:30am I am still feeling really sick today and Mom said it's been 10 days already. Mom and Dad called the clinic and the nurse said I should try pediatric robitussin. I hate the taste of it. I am going to press my lips together really tight and turn my head as far to the side as possible. Maybe then it will be impossible for Mom and Dad to get any of that junk in my mouth!

Friday, February 28, 2003
12:45pm I just got home from the clinic with Dr. Pizer. He said I have a sinus infection and my little tonsils are swollen. He prescribed amoxicillin for the infection. He said I should be feeling as good as gold in 3 days. I can't wait! I have also lost 4 ounces since my appointment on February 6. It's because I haven't been eating well with my throat hurting all the time. It's time to bring on the good food!

Thursday, March 6, 2003
2:00pm Today Grandma Kaye came over for lunch with us. I had a really good time. We laughed and played games. I even bounced on her knee for a while. She said she is going to come over more often. That makes me happy!

Saturday, March 8, 2003
9:00pm Today was a very busy day. We went to two birthday parties and a baptism. One of the birthday parties was for a new friend of mine who just turned 1. Her name is Madeline and we are about the same size. She even gave me a bag of goodies including a birdie that chirps! The baptism was for Jacob who is 4 months younger than me. I was getting pretty crabby by the end of the day. I am really happy to be home.

Thursday, March 11, 2003
6:00am Today I woke up with a new tooth on the top right side. It hurts. It's my seventh tooth. Mom said pretty soon I'll be eating cheeseburgers! For now, I think I'll stick with baby food and table scraps.

Sunday, March 16, 2003
12:45pm Today Mom and Dad let me climb the stairs to the top. I've been climbing stairs a few at a time, but today was a big stepping stone for me. Dad called me from the top while Mom followed behind me. I was sure ready for a nap after all that work!

Monday, March 17, 2003
12:00pm We just got home from the grocery store. Mom let me ride in the car in the front of the cart! I loved it there. It's much more fun than sitting in the cart. There are two steering wheels, which means two horns to keep honking. When Mom took me out, I was angry. I can't wait until we go shopping next week!

Friday, March 21, 2003
6:00am I just woke up really crabby today. My eighth tooth is popping through. It's the top one on the left side next to the middle ones. My seventh tooth still hurts and now there is more pain in my mouth. Mom gave me some baby orajel and then a teething ring. She really knows how to make me feel better!

Sunday, March 30, 2003
2:00pm Today Daddy and I were playing games and I was trying to walk. I can walk 4 or 6 steps now before I fall down. I need to work on my balance still but it's getting easier every day!

Monday, March 31, 2003
9:00pm I have been really crabby all day! I have my first diaper rash and it burns and stings. Mom has been scrambling trying to figure out if it's some sort of juice or something new I ate. It's like starting my eating habits all over. Whatever it is, I wish it would go away quickly!

Tuesday, April 1, 2003
4:00pm Today I walked 12 steps at a time. I am getting pretty good at walking but I still prefer to crawl because it's easier and I can get where I am going much faster... and that's no joke!

Friday, April 4, 2003
11:30pm Today Mom brought her camera to play group and took some photos of my friends. She said she is going to put them in my baby book. She even put some on a web page for me. How brilliant!

Saturday, April 5, 2003
9:00pm Today was my 11-month birthday. I am up to 30 inches and 19.8 pounds! Only one more month until I am a big girl! Mom made all the invitations for my party and addressed them today. I hope all my friends can come!

Tuesday, April 8, 2003
12:00pm Today Mom called my doctor about my diaper rash. She got a prescription for some cream. I am tired of all the burning down there and can't wait for it to go away. This afternoon I did something really funny... Sometimes when Mom has to look something up on the computer she puts me in my playpen even though I don't like it in there anymore. To try to get her attention, I like to throw all my toys on the floor. After all my toys were gone, I took off my pants and threw them on the floor too. It even worked - I definitely got Mom's attention. We both laughed about it!

Thursday, April 10, 2003
8:00pm Tonight when Daddy fed Duchess, I decided to give her food a taste. I thought it tasted pretty good until Daddy took the food out of my mouth. I don't see why the dog gets that good food but I don't!

Saturday, April 12, 2003
11:30am Today was the last day of the swimming class I took with Daddy. Mommy went in the pool with us. I had a lot of fun when they let me swim for a split second between the two of them. It was like I was floating across the water all by myself!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003
11:00am After many weeks of Mom practicing with me, I finally learned to clap my hands all by myself! Now I want to clap my hands all day long! It's so much fun!

4:30pm Today was the first day of my new swimming class. Mommy took me there. I finally got to meet Evan. He's a little boy who was born 3 minutes after me in the hospital. He's a little bit bigger than me and a really cute little boy too!

Wednesday, April 16, 2003
8:30pm Today was a turning point for me. Mom said she thinks I walked more than crawled today. Crawling is for babies but I am a big girl now!

Friday, April 18, 2003
5:00pm Today I visited with one of my friends. Madeline is a little girl who is 2 months older than me from Port Washington. She came to my house and we played with my toys and then went shopping. She wasn't in a very good mood, but we still had a good time. I wonder if she isn't getting another big tooth.

Sunday, April 20, 2003
9:00pm Today was easter!!! The easter bunny brought me a fuzzy basket filled with plastic eggs! They are a lot of fun. I can even take them apart and clank them together. What a perfect gift for a baby like me!

Thursday, April 24, 2003
8:15am I just did something really neat! Mom was getting ready to go to her exercise class and I blew her a kiss through the window! I am getting to be such a big girl!

Wednesday, April 30, 2003
6:00pm Today Mommy took me to Sears with my cousin, Hope. We had our portrait taken for Grandma for her mother's day gift. We both wore matching dresses that Grandma Kaye bought us when she was on vacation. I wasn't in a very good mood tonight. I think I do better with portraits early in the morning!

Saturday, May 3, 2003
9:00pm Today was a very exciting day. It was my first birthday party! It was at the Deland Park Community Center. There were lots of people there including 10 other children! I had a really good time and received lots of presents! I even got to eat a piece of cake!!! I slept very little all day and wish I could stay up all night to play with my new presents! Thank you everybody!!!

Monday, May 5, 2003
7:00pm Today was my first birthday. Daddy even took off work so he could spend it with me. We turned the car seat around and drove down to Kenosha to go shopping at the outlet mall. Mom said I needed more pjs. It was a really good time. I even stayed awake all the way there. I couldn't help myself... there was so much to look at!

Tuesday, May 6, 2003
12:00pm Today I met with Dr. Pizer! He said I weight 19 pounds and 2 ounces and am 30 inches tall. I am in the 25 percentile for weight but 75 percentile for height. Mom asked if she should be worried because I am so skinny but he said I look very healthy and probably just burn calories faster than normal babies. There was a naughty nurse there who gave me three shots... then a very mean nurse took blood from my finger to test for lead poisoning.

5:00pm Mom and I just got home from swimming class. Mom had to leave early because I was getting very crabby and started burning up with fever. It's all the fault of that naughty nurse. She said that hopefully baby tylenol will help me feel better.

Wednesday, May 7, 2003
5:00pm Mommy taught me something very important today. When she asks, I can tell her where my tummy is! I am sure that will come in handy some day soon!

Saturday, May 10, 2003
11:00am We just got home from Sears getting my 12-month portraits taken. I smiled very nicely for the lady and she flashed the light in my eyes. Mom said I did a very good job and the pictures turned out very nicely. I'm glad Mom approved!

2:00pm We have only been home from Sears for 3 hours and I just took a nasty fall in the kitchen. I was walking around carrying my balloons from my party when me legs got all tangled up causing me to fall. I have a big fat purple bump on my forehead and it hurts a lot! Mom is just happy it was AFTER the pictures. I wish it would never have happened at all!

Sunday, May 11, 2003
5:00pm Today was Mother's Day. I bought mommy a really pretty necklace and a blown-glass heart that says "Mom" and has a glass rose on it too. We took Grandma Kaye out for breakfast and gave her the picture of me and Hope. She really liked it!!!

Friday, May 16, 2003
8:00pm Tonight I went to a school and watched my cousin bridge over from a brownie to a girlscout!!! I can't wait until I can go to girlscouts too. I'm so proud of her!

Sunday, May 18, 2003
2:00pm Today we went to a church banquet for lunch. I wasn't in the best of moods but it was still fun. I really like our church and I like the people there too! My cousin, Hope won an award for a poster she made. She is so smart!

Friday, May 23, 2003
7:00pm Today Daddy took a day off of work. It was Mom and Dad's anniversary on Wednesday and so we all went to Milwaukee. First we went to see the domes with all the pretty plants and flowers. Then we went shopping! I had a really good day. I love it when the three of us do stuff together!

Sunday, May 25, 2003
7:00am Today my first molar popped through my gum. It's the top one on the right side. It really hurts. I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better. So far only a little point came through and there is a big tooth following.

Monday, May 26, 2003
5:00pm Today was Memorial Day. This means Daddy didn't have to work. We did stuff around the house and just had "family time". It was really nice!

Tuesday, May 27, 2003
4:00pm Today was my last day of swimming for the season. Now I am going to have to wait until next fall before I can go again. This makes me sad because I really like my swimming class. I hope Mom puts up a pool for me this summer so I can enjoy the water.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003
5:00pm Today was a very big day for me. I was in an airplane and me and Mom went to Florida. I finally got to meet Mom's friend, Joi. I was really good in the plane. My ears never hurt and I was very good sitting in Mom's lap. Mom and I were really tired when we got there because our plane left at 6:30 in the morning! Joi took us out for some food and then we just hung out in the room. It was a relaxing day!

Thursday, May 29, 2003
8:00pm The hotel we are staying at has a baby pool and it is a lot of fun! I can stand in it and run around in circles really fast. I think we need to spend more time in the pool! Joi wasn't feeling good so Mom and I went shopping for a while today and then we spent some time in the pool. Joi enjoyed lying in the sun working on her suntan. She has a very pretty tan!

Friday, May 30, 2003
8:00pm Today we went to the Palm Beach Zoo. It was very hot outside and I really didn't know what was so exciting about the zoo. Mom said maybe I was a little young to enjoy it! Maybe next year I'll like the zoo more. We spent more time in the pool too! I really like the pool!

Saturday, May 31, 2003
6:00pm Today was our last day in Florida. We spent more time in the pool before going to the airport. I was such a good girl in the plane. The second half of the trip I slept the entire time! I loved it in Florida, but it's nice to see Daddy too!

Tuesday, June 10, 2003
7:00am Today my second molar on the top came in. Those molars hurt alot!

Sunday, June 15, 2003
1:00pm Today was Father's day. Mommy helped me make t-shirts for me and Daddy. Mine says "I love my Daddy" and has a photo of him on it. Daddy's t-shirt says "Daddy's little princess" and has a picture of me wearing my princess shirt. We went out to eat at Town & Country with a bunch of daddys. I love to eat all sorts of different kinds of food.

Monday, June 16, 2003
7:00am Today my third molar came in. It's the right molar on the bottom. I wish those teeth would just stop hurting so much!

Tuesday, June 17, 2003
5:00pm Today my cousin home came over to play with me. She is going to come over once a week this summer so that Mom can get more work done. I call her "Pop". We have a good time playing. She really makes me laugh!

Wednesday, June 18, 2003
2:00pm Today I went to the water park on Water Street with my friend Elijah from swimming class. It was really hot outside but the water was freezing cold. I don't think I like water spraying at me. Maybe next time I will like it more!

Wednesday, June 25, 2003
5:00pm Today we went down to the lake and played on the jungle gym for part of the morning with Elijah and my cousin, Kayla. Then Daddy and Aunt Paula met us by the Community Center and we grilled out hotdogs and hamburgers. I had a lot of fun, but I got a bit sunburnt. Mom feels really bad about it, even though she put some sunscreen on me early in the day.

Thursday, June 26, 2003
5:00pm Today was the first day I sat on my battery-powered harley davidson and made it go forward all by myself! I really like that toy now! Mom said that the next time we have a nice day, she is going to put it out on the sidewalk and let me drive down the block with it. I can't wait!!!

Friday, June 27, 2003
1:00pm Today Mom bought me a little fort with a sliding board on it! I love to climb so much that I can't wait to play with it more! She has been looking in the newspaper and at garage sales for weeks trying to find me this toy! I'm glad she finally got one!