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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
4:45am Mom said she has been uncomfortable for long enough. We just arrived at the hospital and are ready to get this show on the road. Mom was scheduled to be induced this morning, but I had other plans and decided I wanted to make the rules so I've been working on making her uncomfortable for the last 7 hours or so. She feels pretty tired.

5:30am Mom's nurse said she is contracting about every 2 to 6 minutes but wants to get Mom started on the pitocin. Mom is starting to get uncomfortable already - I think she doesn't know what pain means yet - we'll just have to wait and see...

7:45am Mom's favorite doctor, the anesthesiologist is here. He wears the big guns... er big needles. He is better known as "the epidural man". Mom was about to ready to kill someone waiting for him to show up. In a few minutes, she will be ready to kiss this man. Everything gets easy after this point... or so we think...

8:00am Dr. D (Dielentheis that is) is here to check on Mom. He said he wants to break Mom's water now... but not if I have any say in the matter... POP. There we go... I told you before that I make the rules around here... we don't need him to tell us when things are going to happen. Mom thought it was funny that all he had to do was show up for the water to break - we all thought he needed an instrument or something.

11:45am Mom's doctor, Dr. D is here again. This time it's time for me to start making my descent. Ready or not here I come!!!

12:36pm Out at last! Oh man, what is this place - put me back in the warm comfy spot! Mommy said she doesn't remember having to push this hard for Kaytlyn (whoever that is), but then I am a much bigger baby! At 9 pounds, 4 ounces, I weigh more than 2 pounds more than she did! I think that just means I am much healthier and have a much bigger head for all those brains. Mommy is so happy to finally hold me!

1:15pm Mommy is going to give me my first meal now. I really like nuzzling up to her. She is warm and soft. I think I'll try this for about 30 minutes so the doctors know I really mean business when it comes to eating!

1:45pm I am going to get my first bath now. My pretty hair gets fuzzy soft and curly from my bath and Mommy loves to run her fingers through it. I don't mind - it feels really nice and makes me sleepy, but I could have done without all that water being splashed on me.

2:15pm Dr. Pizer is here to see me now. It's the first time my mommy and I will be separated in over nine months. It's okay though - it's only a few minutes and Daddy is going to make sure the doctor has raving reviews about me. Dr. Pizer said I am a very healthy baby. My pretty pink skin looks great and all my signs look great! He is very pleased with me.

3:00pm My first visitor is here - It's Pastor Steve from our church. He is a really nice guy. He said a prayer for all of us and he put his hand on my head. I can't wait to be on the consistory like my Daddy.

3:45pm I hear a new voice. It's grandpa Larry. He's a new visitor. Hey wait, what is up with the Larry part, that is my name! Daddy said we all share the same first name. It's a tradition. He tells me there was a fourth Lawrence too, but I won't get to meet him. I am sure he was a nice guy too. I sat in grandpa's lap for a while - he's nice and warm.

6:00 My auntie Paula, Grandma Mary and Cousin Kayla are here to visit me too. I'm really a popular person today!

6:45pm Mommy's friend, Tanya is here to visit us now too. I am getting used to all this company and all these warm arms and smiley faces. I am glad there is lots of love surrounding me! Mommy told me that Tanya has some people I can play with - can't wait!

7:00pm I hear a familiar voice this time, it is that little girl that always sang to me while I was in Mommy's tummy. My big sister, Kaytlyn, is here with Grandma Katie. I think she will teach me a lot of things - probably even some that Mommy and Daddy do not want!

8:30pm Daddy's going home now and Mommy said she wants the nursery to keep an eye on me at night so she can sleep more soundly. Good night Mommy and Daddy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
7:00am Good morning world! This is the first morning I slept in a bed (or whatever they call these little hospital carts). Dr. Pizer is here to check me out. I am sure he is going to give me a clean bill-of health. There sure are a lot of pesty LTC nurses all around here today and they are all gathering around to see me! I must be pretty popular. Wait! What's that... I'm getting really sleepy now!

8:30am OUCH! What was that all about? I think part of me is missing and it sure burns down there. And why do they think vaseline on a little piece of gauze is going to make it feel all better? How come Mommy gets all the pain meds? And where is my daddy to explain this all to me? Dr. Pizer and I are really not starting our relationship out on the right foot. Dr. Pizer said I am really healthy and my skin tone is keeping it's natural pink tones. I'm glad I'm a big healthy boy!

9:00am Daddy just showed up... I think he needs to explain a few things to me when Mommy isn't around. I'm glad he came back again today - he looks like he had a lot of sleep last night.

10:30am Grandma Mary and her friend are here to visit. Her friend takes her places. It's a good thing she's around or Grandma would never leave the house.

11:30am Grandma Katie and Kaytlyn are back. My big sister is really neat! She said Grandma is really nice too. I can't wait until I get to visit my grandma's house like Kaytlyn can. They do fun things together!

2:00pm My great grandma Lloyd is here to visit. She holds me really tight and keeps me nice and warm. I think I'll keep her warm too by peeing all over her. Now that feels better... After mom cleans me up, I think I'll just take a nap for the rest of her visit.

4:15pm Mommy's friend, Tanya, is here visiting again. Hey, where are those playmates you mentioned before! I can't wait to meet them. Daddy went home to do some nice stuff for Mommy around the house. Tanya can keep us company for a few hours before she has to go and pick up her kids.

5:45pm Daddy is back and it looks like we are in for a quiet evening for just the three of us. We're all a little tired from all the excitement today. It's nice to sit here and just relax all evening.

Thursday, February 17, 2005
7:00am That mean Dr. Pizer is back. I hope he plans on keeping all my parts intact today. He just smiled at me and said I am ready to go home. I weigh 8 pounds and 13 ounces, which is a really good weight for my third day. He also said my skin is showing zero jaundice which I think is a good thing. They need to really put all of this in words I can understand. Daddy won't be here for a few more hours because he is taking Kaytlyn to music class. Then they are going to pick us up and take us home.

10:00am Daddy and Kaytlyn are here now, but we can't go home quite yet. Mommy still has to finish up with some appointments and some paperwork and stuff. My big sister sure is excited to take me home. I wonder what kind of toys she has in store for when I get older.

12:05pm Here we go! We're finally going to the place we call home. I am sure it is a very nice, warm and cozy place.

12:15pm I was right - this place is nice and we're going to spend the next few days alone enjoying each other's company. I am the luckiest boy in the whole world to be surrounded by three really important people who love me alot!

Friday, February 18, 2005
1:30am Daddy is changing my diaper while Mommy is going to the potty. Boy do I have a big surprise in store for him! Ready...Aim...FIRE!!! Look at the distance that I am getting and that look on Daddy's face - priceless. Daddy says that Kaytlyn was much easier to change.

Saturday, February 19, 2005
9:00am Awake at last... I mean it's finally daylight and I'm getting up! My Mommy said I was only up three times last night, which was quite a change from the night before. She looks much more alert today!

10:15pm Mommy is taking me back to the hospital today - I thought we were done with that place. They are going to weigh me and find out how much I can eat. Mommy said she's not worried - I am a pretty good eater. I don't care much for all these warm clothes, but the car ride is pretty relaxing if you ask me!

11:45pm We're home again and Mommy said I am a spectacular eater! I weighed in at 8 pounds and 12 ounces and then I ate 2.2 ounces in about 20 minutes. The nurse was really nice and said Dr. Pizer will be proud of me!

5:00pm I think Mommy is a little frustrated. I spit up all over the place, and then pooped on the changing pad. While Mommy was cleaning it up, I peed a waterfall all over her. Mommy decided it was time for me to have a bath - I don't think I will try that again!

6:30pm Everybody is starting to come over for Mommy's birthday party. I'm not used to all these people and all this noise. I think I'm going to be fussy for a few hours as a special birthday gift to Mom! Maybe I'll even try that waterfall trick all over her bedspread!

Sunday, February 20, 2005
7:00am Today is Mommy's birthday. Daddy and Kaytlyn and I are going to take her on vacation in a few months when we all feel better. Kaytlyn and I also got her a pretty "Mom necklace". Mommy said it's very pretty.

3:45pm Mommy and Kaytlyn just went to a retirement party and left me all alone with Daddy. I'm a little upset about it. Daddy can't quite figure out what to do. He tries to give me milk from a cup, but I just spit it out all over the place. I miss my Mommy.

5:00pm Grandpa Romy and Grandma Rose just came to visit me. They are really nice and took a lot of pictures. Then Daddy gave them some icecream cake from the party last night.

Monday, February 21, 2005
1:30pm Daddy gave me a bath. Mommy took a lot of pictures. Mommy said she loves how my hair gets all soft and fluffy after a bath. I like the way she rubs my head when it's nice and clean.

2:00pm Mommy and Daddy took a lot of pictures of me for my birth announcement. I can't wait until I can see them!

7:00pm I just woke up from a four-hour nap. Mommy said she would love to see me take a nap like that at night instead of my usual two-to-three hour stretches. I'll take her comments under advisement, but I wouldn't count on it!

8:30pm Today I was crying and Kaytlyn told me a secret and kissed me on the cheek. That made me happy and I stopped crying. Kaytlyn was so excited she was dancing around the living room bragging about how much I enjoyed her kiss. I like making my sister happy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
7:45am Daddy went back to work today. I think Mommy, Kaytlyn and I are going to be a little sad about it. Mommy said it's going to be a little adjustment managing everything by herself for the few hours Daddy isn't around. Maybe I'll be a good boy today and give her some slack.

4:00pm Mommy let me eat a little bit in her bed today instead of in her lap. She said she has a really bad headache and is confused about what she can take to make herself feel better. Kaytlyn and I let her take a three-hour nap to help her along. Pretty soon Daddy will be home and he will help us out a little bit.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
10:30am Today Mommy took me along to her chiropractor appointment. This was my first visit away from the house (except for my feeding assessment at the hospital). After she bundled me up in three layers of clothes, I decided to just sleep the entire time. I like car rides!

3:30pm My Uncle Terry and Cousin Hope just came to visit me. Kaytlyn said that Hope is a really cool person so I was excited to visit her. She seems really nice. I can't wait until I am older so she can play with me.

6:30pm Grandpa Larry came over tonight to visit with Daddy. Mommy told him to try to wake me up because she didn't want me to sleep too long or maybe I would be up all night. I think I will stay up all night anyways.

Thursday, February 24, 2005
3:30am It is really early in the morning and Mom just realized that the end of my belly button just fell off. Mom said she doesn't have to worry about it rubbing on my clothes and hurting me anymore... it was nothing!

3:30pm Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan came over and brought me presents. They must really think I love baseball - I can't wait until I can wear the new stuff this summer. It's the first time I got to meet Grandma Jan because she had had a cold, but she said she feels better now. She was shaking me around a bit trying to see my eyes. I wasn't too happy when I finally woke up... then they went home. It's funny how that works!

Friday, February 25, 2005
9:00am Today I have a tummy ache. I was up every two hours last night and this morning I keep spitting up my milk. I think Mommy needs to avoid broccoli tonight. Bring on the burgers!

5:15pm Mommy took Kaytlyn and me to Walmart today. Kaytlyn loves to go shopping at Walmart but I just slept the entire time. Mommy said she thinks she needs more healing before we do our next trip. She said it's a lot of work pushing a cart with two people in it!

Saturday, February 26, 2005
11:30am My mommy went shopping today with Grandma Katie and left me home with Daddy for two and a half hours. Daddy and I played together and then I napped. Mommy got home just in time to feed me lunch.

2:00pm Mommy, Daddy, Kaytlyn and I went to the YMCA to eat pancakes today. I am getting really good at sleeping in public. I can't wait until Mommy feeds me later so I can taste the pancakes too!

8:00pm Mommy just game me another bath. I screamed and screamed. I don't care much for laying on the table cold and naked. When Mom finally wrapped me in a nice towel, I showed her my appreciation by peeing all over the clean blanket. Then she washed me up again down there, but I had already peed so I pooped on the blanket instead. I wonder how much Mommy likes to do the laundry.

Sunday, February 27, 2005
9:30am I just finished my first day at church. I'd like to tell you how much I enjoyed it, but I slept through the entire service. Mommy said it was a nice sermon, so I'll just take her word on it.

1:00pm We just got home from "Love Bowls" where you buy a bowl and eat a lot of soup! Kaytlyn even got a bowl. I slept most of the time there as well. I can't wait until I am older and can eat soup! Mommy accidentally picked out some spicy soup - she'll be sorry later when I get to taste it!

Monday, February 28, 2005
5:30pm Mommy was just changing my diaper and I decided to play waterfalls again. That has to be the best game ever! I really get a reaction from Mommy when I do that. She thought she was being clever by placing me in the center of the changing pad, but I can now shoot about 8 inches, missing the changing pad completely, and peeing all over the carpet! Kids - don't try this at home!

Tuesday, March 1, 2005
3:30pm We just got home from my two-week checkup with Dr. Pizer. I am up to ten pounds now! Doctor Pizer said I must be a good eater... duh! He said Mommy should continue to feed me whenever I am hungry and said that pretty soon I will start to sleep a little longer at night! Mommy said she hopes he is right!

5:00pm I think that waterworks trick blew up in my face this time... literally! I peed up instead of down and sprayed myself in the face. I think I'll hold off on that trick for a while... although I can certainly say Mommy's reaction was pretty good this time!

Wednesday, March 2, 2005
11:30am We just got home from Wonderful World Coffee House. There is a really nice lady there who sings songs to children and Kaytlyn really loves it there! I wish I could stay awake for some of these fun things! Maybe next time!

Thursday, March 3, 2005
11:30am Today was a busy morning for Mom and Kaytlyn. They went to music class and the library. I slept the entire time again. I was really really hungry when we got home. Mom said I never ate so much before. My tummy is nice and full and warm right now. Nap time!

Friday, March 4, 2005
8:00pm We just got home from Grandpa Romy's birthday party! There was a lot of noise there and I cried a lot! My cousin, Hope held me a lot too! I really like her!

Saturday, March 5, 2005
1:30pm We just got home from visiting the Easter Bunny. Kaytlyn sat on his lap and had her picture taken, but I just slept in my car seat the entire time. Maybe next year I'll try to stay awake.

3:00pm We were at a birthday party for my cousin Matt. There were a lot of people there. I made some noise just to be cool so that nobody ignored me. Then I slept for awhile.

9:00pm We just got home from Opa's surprise birthday party. It was very very loud there and I wasn't very happy. Mommy wishes I would have stayed home. I think it was just too busy of a day for me!

Monday, March 7, 2005
12:00am I just woke up after four hours of sleep! Mommy hopes I sleep another four hours... ha ha ha!!!

11:00am We just got home from Mommy's work. I even stayed awake for an entire hour so I could visit with all of Mommy's friends. They all think I am cute. Does that surprise anyone?

Wednesday, March 9, 2005
5:00pm We just got home from the mall. Mommy and Kaytlyn used to go shopping a lot before I showed up. Kaytlyn loves to go shopping with Mommy! I don't see what all the excitement is about.

Thursday, March 10, 2005
8:30pm Mommy just gave me a bath in my baby bathtub. It's the first bath I had submerged in water. My other baths were sponge baths until my belly button healed completely. I really like sitting in that warm water.

Friday, March 11, 2005
2:30am It's really early in the morning, but I have good news... I just slept for five whole hours! Mommy is really happy, although she still looks pretty tired. Too bad I'm not really tired anymore!

9:00pm It's getting late and I am getting crabby, which is pretty normal for me this time of day. I just cried my first tear! Mommy doesn't like my tears, but I think she will get used to it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
7:45am Today is my first month birthday. Mommy already weighed and measured me and took a lot of photos for my first-year frame. She said I am already 11 pounds and 7 ounces. I am 22 1/2 inches long... Daddy said at the rate I am going, I will weigh about 300 pounds by my fifth birthday... that silly daddy.

8:00pm Mommy and Daddy just went to a funeral and Grandma Katie came over to watch me. This is the first time that Mommy or Daddy didn't watch me. I was a good boy, but I think my sister could use a serious lesson from me!

Thursday, March 17, 2005
7:30pm Today was my first St. Patrick's day. My sister must be confused - she keeps calling it Packers day. We didn't do too much, but Mommy took me to watch Kaytlyn go swimming. It was nice and warm in that pool room. My sister even jumped in the pool once - I can't wait until I start swimming classes!

Friday, March 18, 2005
9:00pm My daddy has been holding me in his arms all night and it makes me happy. I have been smiling for him all night - he's such a gas!

Saturday, March 19, 2005
5:00pm My mommy just got home from shopping. She spent the afternoon with Tanya and I spent all afternoon with Daddy. Daddy even gave me a bottle with Mommy's milk in it. I drank 3.5 ounces right down... it sure tasted good. This is the longest my mommy has been away from me. She said it hurts her to stay away too long.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
11:00am Today was a very traumatic experience for me. After the coffee house, Mommy took me shopping at Younkers with my sister. She was being naughty and running around causing trouble. She ran into the shopping cart and it topple over right on top of her. I was in my car seat and it fell out of the cart and landed on its side. Kaytlyn cried but I never woke up. My mommy was glad nobody got hurt.

Friday, March 25, 2005
2:00pm Today we went to visit Mommy's friend, Tanya. I got to sit in Evan's swing. It was fun. Mommy dressed me up in a dragon costume today. I really looked funny! Mommy took a lot of pictures!

Sunday, March 27, 2005
12:00pm Today is my very first Easter. The easter bunny left eggs all over the house and left my sister a lot of candy. We went to church and then afterwards ate breakfast at our church. Grandma Mary came along too!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
9:00am Today is my six-week birthday. Mommy went into work this morning to get some new projects. She is going to be really busy working and watching me for the next 18 years!

Saturday, April 2, 2005
6:00am I just woke up in my new bed! Mommy said I was starting to outgrow the bassinet and so I get to sleep in this big bed for now on. It takes Mommy longer to pick me up when I cry, but if I keep crying, she eventually shows up.

Thursday, April 7, 2005
9:30pm Mommy just took me to a Pampered Chef party. I cried and cried the entire time. Mommy said nobody will ever want to hold me again if I keep this up around all her friends. Mommy's friend, Jennie, wasn't scared though. She held me for a long time tonight and it made me sleepy. She is a really nice lady.

Saturday, April 9, 2005
11:00am We just got home from Sears. Mommy and Daddy took me there to get my pictures taken in my new baptism outfit. I was pretty happy when we first got there, but we really really crabby after we waited 20 minutes. Mommmy wasn't sure how come the very first appointment was delayed, but wasn't surprised. We didn't even get six good pictures, although it could be argued that none of them were good. I'll try better next time!

Sunday, April 10, 2005
9:20am This morning was a very special time for me. It was my baptism. I started to cry a little bit when we were at the front of the church. Then that nice man put special water on my head and held me up in the air to show me to everyone. I think all the people there are really nice.

12:00pm We just got home from Town and Country Restaurant where we had a brunch with all my friends and relatives. It was because of my baptism. I slept most of the time, but when I woke up, the food sure smelled yummy! My godmother gave me some milk in a bottle too. She is a really nice lady and I am glad Mommy chose her to be my sponsor.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
8:00pm Tonight Mommy sat down and talked to me all night. She just repeated everything I said, but I thought it was really funny - I just kept smiling at her all night! She said she likes it when I smile and I just like our little private conversations.

Thursday, April 14, 2005
4:30am I just woke up for the first time since Mommy put me to bed at 9:30 last night. That means I slept seven hours straight. Mommy was really happy and hopes this continues every night! I hope I can do this again just to make Mommy happy!

9:30am We just got done with Kaytlyn's music class. I really like that class. I smiled the entire time. I like it how all the mommies smile back at me. I think everybody likes to see little babies smile.

Friday, April 15, 2005
7:00am Today is my two-month birthday. Mommy just took a few dozen pictures of me so she could find the perfect shot to hang in my time frame. I like it when they make funny faces at me. It makes me smile. Sometimes it's hard to see their faces though after they flash that light over and over in my face.

10:00am We are on our way to a place called "vacation". I am not sure where it is, but Kaytlyn is very excited and has been talking about it all week. We are going to a water park in Milwaukee for the day and are staying overnight. I can't wait to see vacation.

9:00pm It has been a pretty busy day for me. Although I sat in a stroller a lot today, I got to watch Kaytlyn play in the water. It was pretty warm in there and I was very comfortable. I smiled alot too! Tonight I get to sleep in a different crib. As long as Mommy has my "swaddle blanket", I will sleep just fine!

Saturday, April 16, 2005
7:00am I slept pretty good last night. I only woke up twice. Mommy said she was happy I didn't wake up my sister. It's nice sleeping in the same room with Mommy and Daddy again. It's the first time I slept in the same room with my sister too!

11:00am We are now on our way to Gurnee to go shopping. Today is going to be the first time I leave the state of Wisconsin. Some people have to wait a long time to leave their state, but I am just eight weeks old.

5:00pm Shopping is really fun! Daddy carried me in the front carrier most of the day. I stay nice and warm on Daddy's chest. He has a nice strong heart to make me sleepy too. Sometimes I went in the stroller when Daddy wanted a break, but then Mommy and Daddy had to chase all over the mall to keep up with Kaytlyn. I'm glad my little feet don't hurt as much as Mommy's do.

6:00pm I just got to meet Daddy's cousin, Amy. She is a really nice person. She has a little girl named Emma who is really nice too. Sometimes she had ants in her pants, though, and then her Daddy took her for a walk. Amy has a baby in her belly too. I can't wait to play with that baby some day.

9:00pm We just got back from the mall again. Mommy said I am going to be the best dressed kid in Sheboygan after all that shopping. I'm glad it's time for bed. All that walking Mommy and Daddy did made me sleepy. I get to sleep in a different crib tonight. Good thing Mommy brought my "swaddle blanket" along!

Sunday, April 17, 2005
7:00am Mommy said I slept really good last night! I slept for eight hours straight and then went right back to sleep for a few more hours. I think we were all tired last night! Today we are going to drive all the way home. I'm too little to enjoy the views so I think I will just sleep!

Monday, April 18, 2005
7:00am I slept really good again last night. Mommy said this is the second night in a row I slept for eight hours straight. I think I may have this sleeping thing down now - Mommy has no idea her luck is about to change!

4:00pm I just got back from Dr. Pizer's office. He said I weight 14 pounds and 9 ounces and am 24 1/2 inches long. I am in the 97 percentile for weight and the 85 percentile for length. He said I am a nice solid boy and will probably be really tall when I grow up. Then that doctor let the naughty nurse give me three shots! I cried very loudly. They hurt a lot!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
12:30am I just woke up and am really warm. I don't feel very well either. Mommy said I have a really high fever from the shots! She gave me some baby tylenol and said it will make me feel better. I hope I will feel better later today.

9:00pm It is finally time for me to go to bed and I still don't feel very well. Mommy said I have had a mild fever all day and I have been very crabby. I don't ever want to see that naughty doctor again!

Friday, April 22, 2005
11:30am We just got home from the YMCA. We watched Kaytlyn do gymnastics. Mommy let me watch her from the balcony. She is a pretty talented big sister. Some day I will have to teach her how to do jumping jacks though - she needs lots of practice!

Saturday, April 30, 2005
5:30am I just woke up and Daddy still isn't around. He went to a retreat last night and didn't give me a kiss goodnight or a goodmorning sunshine hug. I hope he comes home soon - I miss him!

2:00pm I just got home from my first birthday party. It was for my friend, Conner. He turned one! He's almost a big boy (even though we are about the same size). He got a bunch of really neat toys! He's really lucky!

Monday, May 2, 2005
11:30am Kaytlyn was drawing pictures on her paper and thought it would be more fun to draw on herself. I thought it was kinda silly myself until she decided to draw on my face. Mommy was really angry at Kaytlyn and I think I look like a clown. Good thing ballpoint pen cleans up easily!

Thursday, May 5, 2005
9:00pm We just got home from Kaytlyn's 3rd birthday party. It was a princess party and most of the kids wore a costume! I wore my dragon costume. There sure were a lot of people who wanted to hold me tonight. I am so confused I think I will fuss all night!

Sunday, May 8, 2005
8:00am Today is Mother's Day. Kaytlyn and I got Mommy a new program for her greeting cards and a big box of chocolates. I don't really like chocolate, but I don't have much choice what kind of milk Mommy feeds me. Daddy got her a pretty necklace too!

2:00pm We were just at Grandma Katies and Opa's house. We had a turkey roast and visited alot. It was a really nice time.

8:00pm We just got home. We went out to eat with Grandma Mary at Ponderosa. Grandma Mary doesn't drive so Daddy had to go pick her up and meet us there. We all had a nice time. I'm happy to be home now after all that excitement today!

Thursday, May 12, 2005
9:00pm We just got home from a pedicure party that Mommy took me to. It was pretty boring at first so I just slept while Mommy rocked me in my car seat. But then all those Mommy's got really loud and it upset me. I screamed and screamed and screamed. Mommy took me into a quiet bedroom but it didn't matter. I was getting tired and wanted to go home. A baby can only have so much patience this time of day... sheesh!

Saturday, May 14, 2005
6:00pm Today was not a normal Saturday for me. Mommy was really sick and achy so I got to sleep in her arms all day while the two of us napped and Kaytlyn watched tv. I hate to admit it, but I kinda like Mommy's sick days because we get to cuddle a lot. I think Kaytlyn likes it too because she can watch as much tv as she wants. Daddy just got home now and I think he is going to let Mommy go to bed finally. Poor Mommy.

Sunday, May 15, 2005
7:00am Today is my three-month birthday. Mommy just took my picture and then she weighed and measured me. I am 16.8 pounds and 25 inches long. Mommy can't believe how fast I am growing. Pretty soon I am going to be as big as my big sister. She better start being nicer to me!

4:00pm We just got home from a baptism party. The actual baptism was last night, but Mommy was too sick to go. There was another baby at this party. She's pretty cute! I hope that one of these days she stops sleeping so much so we can play. I was really on my best behavior at the party... I think she was impressed!

7:00pm We just got home now... We had to go visit Grandma Jan. Today is her birthday and we brought her a nice card. She really likes it when we come to visit her.

Monday, May 16, 2005
1:00pm We just got home from Sears. I had my 3-month portraits taken there. I was kinda fussy. I played a trick on those ladies there and only smiled when they didn't have their hand on the camera. I was laughing on the inside, but they didn't think it was very funny. Mommy said the pictures didn't turn out too bad though. I can't wait to see them!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
7:00pm Today was a busy day for me. Mommy and Tanya took me and Evan shopping. My big sister got to stay home with Mr. Dan and Elijah. I don't like shopping as much as my sister does. There is just too much for me to look at and it gets me over-stimulated and makes me cry. Mommy said she was ready to finally be home too so we can cuddle up together. I can't wait!

Thursday, May 19, 2005
9:00pm Mommy took me to a baby shower tonight. That cute baby from the baptism party was there. I was on my best behavior again tonight! There were a lot of ladies there and they played bingo and won some funny prizes. Mommy called them white elephants but I think she was teasing me because I looked but didn't see a single elephant!

Saturday, May 21, 2005
6:30am Today is a very special day. It's my Mom and Dad's 11th anniversary. It also means it's been a whole year since I was conceived! Mommy and daddy bought each other presents and I think they have a big day planned for us!

2:00pm We just finished dinner at a restaurant. It was Grandma Cyrilla's 90th birthday party. There were a lot of people there but most of them I never saw before. I was pretty sleepy so I slept through it all!

5:00pm We are on our way to Grandma and Opa's house. I am going to stay there for a while tonight while Mommy and Daddy go out to eat at a nice restaurant. They look really nice tonight, almost like they are going on a date or something - what a funny concept!

Sunday, May 22, 2005
10:30am Today was a special birthday party. Our church had a birthday party - isn't that funny? They even had birthday cake and party favors for the bigger kids. They watched movies and some people told stories. It was a really pleasant time!

Saturday, May 28, 2005
9:00am I just rolled over from my stomach to my back for the first time!!! Daddy doesn't believe it so I think I will keep doing it all day long! This is pretty much fun! I kinda feel like a dog doing tricks though. I'm almost a big boy already!

Sunday, May 29, 2005
11:30am Kaytlyn and I just got done getting our pictures taken at Sears. We wore funny football clothes in the picture. Mommy dressed us funny so she could give the pictures to Daddy for Fathers Day.

Monday, May 30, 2005
9:25am We just finished watching the Memorial Day parade. It was a really short parade. The drums in the marching bands were really loud! I'm not sure I cared for them much. I think we are just going to relax for the rest of the day!

Friday, June 3, 2005
10:00pm We just got home from the carnival at Kiwanis Park. Daddy and Kaytlyn went on all sorts of rides and played games. Daddy won me a stuffed monkey. I really really like it. It's the first toy I have really liked. I can hold on to the arms and legs and it even tastes good in my mouth! Kaytlyn won a pig too but it's not as nice as my monkey... I love to play with my monkey ;)

Saturday, June 4, 2005
6:00pm Today was a really busy day for me. We went to Road America to visit Daddy in the Internet cafe. I stayed with Daddy while Mommy, Kaytlyn and Grandpa Romy walked around and watched the motorcycles. Then Mommy took me to Grandma Romy's house and she helped him with his computer. I was getting kinda bored. Kaytlyn got so bored she fell asleep!

Sunday, June 5, 2005
1:00pm I am not feeling very good today. My nose is all stuffy and my throat hurts. Mommy just took my temperature and it is 101.9. She called to the Clinic and they said to give me some baby tylenol. She had to weigh me and I am up to 18 pounds! I bet I am the biggest 3-month old baby in the entire city! The nice nurse said that if my fever doesn't go down, I may have to go visit a doctor.

Monday, June 6, 2005
12:00pm We just got home from the Plymouth City Park. This was my first trip to a park. I loved watching Kaytlyn and the other kids play, but mostly I slept in the nice soft breeze. I can't wait until I get older and can play on the big swings.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005
9:15pm Tonight has been a really rough night for me. Mommy got a really bad headache and had to go to the clinic for some shots. They told her she couldn't feed me until 9:00. I'm hungry and just not interested in bottles anymore - I know where the good milk is. I just don't understand why Daddy can't wake Mommy up and tell her I am hungry - I haven't eaten in almost six hours! I think I see her coming now - see ya!

Wednesday, June 8, 2005
1:00pm I just got home from a birthday party for Kaytlyn's friend, Kayla. They had a pool and water toys there! I even got my own party favor bag with cups in it! There were a lot of kids having fun there - I can't wait until I am older and can play in the water too!

Sunday, June 12, 2005
3:00pm Today was a very special day for my friend, Evan. I got to see him get baptized at a new church. I was pretty good in church too! Then we went to a park and celebrated. All the people really liked to hear me babble to myself - that's what makes me so cute!

Monday, June 13, 2005
11:00am I am at the park with my sister right now and I just found my thumb. It is so much easier to suck on than Mr. Pointer and Mr. Tallman together. Mommy said it's so cute but she would rather pop that nuk in my mouth so I don't get too used to putting fingers in my mouth all the time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
9:00am Today is my 4-month birthday. Mommy took a bunch of pictures of me this morning. I am getting really good at smiling. Then she took some pictures of me with my sister. She has to get a part of all of the action. She's pretty special though so I don't mind.

7:30pm My little friend, Evan came over tonight to play with me. He is only a few months older than me but he can almost crawl and can play with real toys. Mommy thought it would be cute to put us next to each other to see how well we got along. He picked up a cup and bopped me in the nose with it. He's not very nice. Maybe he was just curious though, but at my expense.

Thursday, June 16, 2005
9:00am Mommy just gave me a bath. It was a special bath because she didn't use the little baby bathtub. She said I am getting too big for that bathtub so she put me on my back in the big bathtub. I like to kick my feet in the water, but I still think it's a little bit scarey. I'm not as comfortable in here as I was in my little tub.

Friday, June 17, 2005
2:00pm I just got home from the Clinic. I had my four-month checkup. Some mean nurse gave me three shots and made me scream really loud. It made my face really red! I am 17 pounds and 11 ounces and am 27 1/2 inches long. Dr. Pizer said I am in the 98 percentile for length and 95 percentile for weight. He said I am going to be a very tall solid boy and well over six feet tall. That is even taller than my daddy. He better be nice to me for the next 16 years!!!

5:00pm I just woke up from a nap. I like to nap on Mommy's bed. My sister came into Mommy's bedroom to talk to me. She wanted to see me roll over but I can't do that very well yet so she gave me a few rolls. Before I knew it, she was trying to roll me off the bed and catch me! She's not very strong and I fell on the floor and hurt myself. I felt much better once Mommy held me for a few minutes, but boy is Kaytlyn in big trouble!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2005
11:00am We just got home from "Breakfast on the farm". We got to see lots of cows and other animals too. Those cows sure smell funny! Mommy and Daddy and Kaytlyn had lots of fun but it made me a little sleepy and it was pretty bumpy in my stroller walking all around the mud and hard grass.

Sunday, June 19, 2005
7:00am Today is Father's Day. Kaytlyn and I gave Daddy a picture of us in a frame, on a t-shirt and on a coffee mug. Daddy really liked the presents.

12:00pm All sorts of people are at our house for a grill-out. Daddy is grilling out brats and burgers and everybody brought food along. It's pretty cold in our backyard but everybody said it's warm everywhere else. I like seeing all the family together - we should do this more often.

9:30pm It's really late but Mommy said I can have rice cereal tonight. She hopes it helps me to sleep later. She brought my high chair upstairs from the basement and her and Daddy took turns giving me cereal and taking my picture. I really like cereal. I'm getting to be a big boy and can eat real food now like Mommy and Daddy and Kaytlyn. I think I am going to get up really early tomorrow and have more!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
8:00pm Daddy took me to a meeting with him at church tonight. Mommy had to take Kaytlyn swimming so I was with Daddy for about 30 minutes. It was pretty boring though... I just slept the entire time.

Friday, June 24, 2005
3:00pm Today is Mommy's friend, Tanya's birthday. She came over today and we all sat in the yard and visited. I got to sit with my friend, Evan, and watch Kaytlyn and Elijah play in the pool and on the swing set. It was a nice relaxing day. I like it when Mommy holds me in her arms all day and relaxes. We should do this more often.

Saturday, June 25, 2005
8:00pm Today was a very stressful day for me. Mommy ate too much caffeine yesterday and I have been awake since 4:45am this morning. I only slept for 20 minutes the entire day. Mommy took me and Kaytlyn to Michael's for Family Fun day, but I was pretty fussy the entire time. Mommy needs to leave the chocolate alone for a while!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005
10:00pm Today was a very sad day for me. We just got home from the hospital where my Grandma Mary died. We weren't expecting it to happen. I am very sad that I won't remember her when I get older. I'm happy she got to meet me though.

Thursday, June 30, 2005
2:30pm Today was another sad day. I went to my grandma's funeral today. I slept through it all but cried out as soon as the pastor said "Amen" at the end. Everyone was very sad today.

Friday, July 1, 2005
9:00pm My uncle Terry came over tonight. His birthday was Wednesday and Mommy baked him a cake. Hope and Chynna came along too and they made me laugh - they're so funny!

Sunday, July 3, 2005
1:00pm We just got done watching a parade in Elkhart Lake. I slept through most of it, including some of the marching bands. Kaytlyn loves parades. Maybe when I get older and can eat candy I will like them as much as she does

5:00pm We went to Ducktona in Sheboygan Falls this afternoon. Our duck didn't win the race but we still had a lot of fun. My friend, Evan was there with me too. We were both in strollers watching each other. He's much more interesting than a bunch of ducks!

10:00pm We went to the riverfront to watch the boats parade down the river. We didn't have very good seats but it didn't matter anyways, I was too tired to bother after such an exciting day!

Monday, July 4, 2005
10:00am We tried to go to the parade downtown this morning but we had to leave half-way through it when the rain came pouring down. Mom said it was just okay anyways.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
4:00pm Today I picked up my rattle and was shaking it when I realized I can make it make noise. This is pretty fun! I shake my arm. The rattle makes noise... what a concept!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2005
1:00pm Mmmmmm! Oatmeal cereal! I really liked the rice cereal, but this oatmeal cereal is delicious!!! Mommy didn't know my mouth opened so wide before today. This stuff is the best food ever!

Friday, July 15, 2005
8:00pm Today is my five-month birthday. I am up to 19.4 pounds and am 27 inches long. Mommy just took my picture for my special frame. I am getting to be such a big and handsome boy.

4:00pm We just got home from the Plymouth Pool. It was a lot of fun watching Kaytlyn play in the pool while I sat in my stroller in the shade. I can't wait until I am a big boy and can enjoy swimming too.

Saturday, July 16, 2005
11:00pm Today was a very busy day for us. We went to Millstreet Days in the morning and I watched Kaytlyn ride a pony and jump in big jumpy things. Then we went to the Polar Ware company picnic and then we went to Port Washington for Fish Days and fireworks. I really like fireworks! I am really tired now. Even Kaytlyn slept all the way home.

Sunday, July 17, 2005
12:00pm We just got home from the Silver Dollar parade. It was really really hot there. I got really crabby and cried a lot! Evan was kinda crabby too. Kaytlyn and Elijah had a fun time though with all the candy!

Saturday, July 23, 2005
4:00pm Today was the birthday party of my cousin, Kayla. There were a lot of kids there and they had a pinata too! I just wanted to sit in the house and drink Mommy's milk and sleep for a bit... I'm still a little small to enjoy birthday parties!

Thursday, July 28, 2005
1:00pm We just got a new car! It is a prettier color than the old one, but it smells different in the inside. Mommy said that new cars are supposed to smell like that and I should enjoy it because it won't last long! Now Kaytlyn and I are in our own seats and my carseat doesn't lean over in this car. I really like our new car!

Saturday, July 30, 2005
10:30pm Today I met my mommy's stepbrother, Pat and Cathy along with my cousins, Mariah and Christian. We had fun there and they had a campfire and set off fireworks too! I can't wait until we get to meet them again some time!

Thursday, August 4, 2005
6:00pm I just had mixed-grain cereal. I don't think I like it as much as the rice cereal, but I much prefer eating cereal to watching my family eat without me. I can't wait until they feed me the good stuff. Mommy's food always smells so good!

Saturday, August 6, 2005
3:00pm Today is Brat Days at the park. We saw people eat a lot of brats really fast and even set a new world record. Mommy did some shopping and Kaytlyn got some new princess toys. I liked to watch all the pretty girls from the YMCA do gymnastics exercises. That looked like fun!

Sunday, August 7, 2005
5:00pm Today we went to Fond du Lac and bought Kaytlyn a new carseat. This means that I get to use her old carseat. Mommy said I am too big for the baby seat carrier and need to sit in a bigger seat. I like this new seat! Thanks Mommy!

Saturday, August 13, 2005
11:00am We just got home from Sears Portrait Studio. I had my pictures taken for my six-month portraits. I smiled a lot and looked really handsome! I sure am lucky to have such good-looking parents to pass down their good looks :)

Monday, August 15, 2005
8:00pm Today is my 6-month birthday. Mom says it is hard to believe I am already a half year old. Mom took my picture this morning, like always. I am just getting cuter every month. Six months is a big milestone for me because it means I can start eating fruits and vegetables. I wonder what Mom is going to feed me first

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
3:30pm I just got home from visiting Dr. Pizer. I am 20 pounds and 14 ounces which is the 95 percentile for both weight and height. He said I am the size of many one-year old babies. My head percentile was off the top of the charts! He said I have a little bit of cradle cap and should start taking iron supplements too. I am happy he thinks I am so healthy!

6:00pm Mom just tried to feed me straight squash and I hate it. I think it is the worst tasting thing to mankind. Mom was a little disappointed because she thought it would be a good food to start with. She'll have to think about this a little bit and come up with a new plan. She tried to give me pear juice in a bottle too and I refuse to drink anything in a bottle, no matter what it tastes like.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
1:00pm This morning I got to go to the golf course with Mommy. She had to help out with a golf outing and I got to keep her company. It was pretty boring alright! Finally Daddy picked me up. I think I will go home and take another nap from the boredom!

8:30pm Mommy and Daddy just picked me up from Grandma and Opa's house. Grandma Katie gave me a lot of cereal with squash mixed in. Grandma couldn't believe how wide I opened my mouth and Mommy couldn't believe Grandma gave me that much food! I was a little crabby at first, but I had a pretty good time over there.

Thursday, August 18, 2005
1:00pm Mommy mixed pear juice in my mixed grain cereal today and it is pretty good! I like that sweet flavor for lunch and it helps soften my system a little bit too... Mommy sure is in for a big surprise this afternoon!

6:00pm Tonight Mommy mixed rice cereal and squash for me and it was pretty tasty. I think I am getting used to the taste. I can get used to this real food pretty easily!

Friday, August 19, 2005
7:00pm Tonight we went to a picnic through the Family Resource Center. We had a lot of fun! Mommy forgot my cereal, but she gave me some of her milk after everyone else was done eating. I can't wait until I can feed myself like everyone else!

Saturday, August 20, 2005
3:30pm We are on our way home from the Milwaukee Zoo. I think I am still too little to enjoy those little creatures but I really liked watching the trees blow and feeling the cool breeze blowing across my bald head. I like to be outside no matter what the occasion is.

10:00pm We went down to lakefest tonight and there were a lot of people there. Even though it was really loud, Mommy was playing peak-a-boo and making me laugh really hard. I was such a ham!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
6:00pm Tonight for supper, Mommy fed me sweet potatoes. I really like food but think I prefer squash over sweet potatoes.

Sunday, August 28, 2005
1:30pm This morning was our church picnic. My cousin, Kayla came with us. After we listened to the sermon and ate lunch, we all went for a hike in the woods. There were lots of roots on the paths and some pretty steep hills too. It was a pretty bumpy ride for me in the stroller. I loved the way it smelled in the woods. It was a lot of fun!

Thursday, September 1, 2005
3:30pm Today mommy gave me applesauce. Kaytlyn never liked applesauce but I think it's pretty good. So far I don't have much preference... food is good!

Thursday, September 8, 2005
11:00am This morning Mommy took me and Kaytlyn to Maywood park with a bunch of other kids. We walked through the prairie and learned about plants and butterflies. The sun was really bright and in my face too much. I got kinda crabby and eventually Mommy had to carry me and push the stroller at the same time. We all had a wonderful time!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

3:30pm Today Mommy and Daddy took me and Kaytlyn swimming at the YMCA. It was my first time ever in a swimming pool. I really don't know what to make of this! It's so weird having my entire body in warm water like this. I'm not sure I will ever get used to this!

6:30pm Mommy gave me mushed pears today for supper. I've had pear juice with my cereal, but I really like pear baby food too.

Sunday, September 11, 2005
3:30pm We just got home from Hope and Michael's birthday party. It was really really warm there! Mommy let me take off my jumper and just wear a t-shirt with my diaper. I took a little nap there too. I don't think I have ever been so hot in my entire life! Grandma took a picture of our family for us so that Kaytlyn could bring it to school. It looks funny!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
9:15am We just went with Kaytlyn on her first day of school. She is really excited. I can't wait until my first day of school because it looks like there are a lot of toys there for everyone!

Thursday, September 15, 2005
8:30am Today is my 7 month birthday. I haven't been in a very good mood today. There is a lot of stuff going on today and I can just feel the tension. I think it's going to be a busy day and I don't like days packed with action. I refuse to smile for my 7-month picture. Mommy weighed and measured me today and I am up to 22 pounds and 29 inches long. I am really getting to be a big boy!!!

9:30am I am at the pool at the YMCA for my first day of swimming lessons. I really like being in the water. There is so much excitement splashing around and watching all the waves. I am already a pro at getting in the pool the safe way on my first day. I don't really like it when that lady dribbles water in my face though. It makes me blink my eyes.

Friday, September 16, 2005
6:30pm Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan ate over for dinner tonight and I got to eat green beens. They have an odd flavor that took me a few spoons to get used to but I really like them. I think mommy is going to be in for a surprise when she sees my diaper later tonight!

Saturday, September 17, 2005
10:00am This morning we went to a bank and let some police officers take my picture and do a video of me. It's so that they can find me easier if I ever get lost. I know I am so adorable that everyone wants me, but I would be very sad if my Mommy wasn't around to take care of me!

Saturday, September 24, 2005
9:30pm I really miss my mommy. She has been busy with Christ's Shore for two whole days and I only get to see her when I get hungry. I want to sit and cuddle with her for a while. I know that Christ's Shore is really a good thing for a lot of young people, but I am selfish and want her all to myself!

Sunday, September 25, 2005
10:00pm This morning we went to Jumes for breakfast while Kaytlyn was in Sunday School and mommy fed me bananas. I really really like bananas. They have such a sweet flavor that is pretty addicting!

Thursday, September 29, 2005
8:30am My first tooth finally popped through today! It's my left front tooth on the bottom. My gums have been hurting for a while but these sharp points poking into my mouth are a little uncomfortable too. I think I am going to be crabby all day!

Friday, September 30, 2005
6:30pm Today mommy fed me carrots. They taste a little bit like squash and squash is my favorite vegetable. I can't wait until I can eat real carrots with Mommy and Daddy for supper.

Monday, October 3, 2005
12:30pm This morning I got to tour an apple orchard with Mom and Kaytlyn. I didn't get to try any of the apples though because I am too little, but I really liked watching the lady tell stories. I really liked watching Kaytlyn feed the animals too. I can't wait until I get older and can participate more!

Saturday, October 8, 2005
3:30pm We just got home from Pumpkin Fest by the riverfront. It was really cold down there! Kaytlyn picked out a really cute pumpkin and she and Mommy ate halloween cookies. How come I can't eat cookies yet? I already have a tooth you know!

Friday, October 7, 2005
1:00pm Today mommy gave me peaches for lunch. I don't think I really like them. They are a bit tart for my taste buds. I'd much rather eat squash or carrots.

6:00pm I think I finally have this crawling thing figured out. I can get my tummy off the ground and use my arms AND legs to move forward. I am still going pretty slowly, but seem to be making forward progress without mashing my face into the carpet. A few more days practice and Mommy may be burning extra calories trying to keep up with me!